Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
Hahaha. I tend to drum on the dash and flick and flip the air vents around in the car, that really annoys everyone. Also another thing I do while counting the dotted lines is chatter my teeth to the rhythm of them passing? Wow! The interesting things people do!

I do the teeth chatter thing to!

This is kinda


Well-known member
I like to talk to objects and things that don't talk back. I also randomly talk and blurt out words in my head, I get so embarrased because sometimes I forget people are around me, I do it by myself. Like the other day my mother was at the sink and I just walk over to the tabel going whoo hooo hooo and I don't know where it came from but she ignored me, I was a bit embarrased.


Well-known member
Im good at geography:cool:
I'm not too bad at knowing where places are in the world, especially capital cities. I guess it's just something that I'm good at for no reason. I'm not an expert, though!

Hahaha. I tend to drum on the dash and flick and flip the air vents around in the car, that really annoys everyone. Also another thing I do while counting the dotted lines is chatter my teeth to the rhythm of them passing? Wow! The interesting things people do!
Nice! I drum and chatter my teeth to songs sometimes. Haha.
With the exception of a few dozen posts/images/submissions, I often wish I could just delete my entire E-footprint. I change and evolve constantly, while all posts remain a time capsule of that same damaged and undeveloped human being.


Well-known member
I love to randomly break into song and dance....Seriously...It's really stupid and gets of my family's nerves.


Active member
I like to talk to objects and things that don't talk back. I also randomly talk and blurt out words in my head, I get so embarrased because sometimes I forget people are around me, I do it by myself. Like the other day my mother was at the sink and I just walk over to the tabel going whoo hooo hooo and I don't know where it came from but she ignored me, I was a bit embarrased.
I don't talk to objects, but i give them personalities without noticing.


Well-known member
I got into a handi-cap 2 on 1 fight when I was 9 and won. That's also the only fight I've ever been in.
I coaxed my daughter into liking Spongebob when she was 4-5 so I could watch it guilt free for the next 6 years!

LOL! Way to go! Most of my friends and family mindlessly watch Spongebob anyway, so I don't have to hide it.

I love to randomly break into song and dance....Seriously...It's really stupid and gets of my family's nerves.

When I take my dog on a walk at night and it's really dark out, I'll dance to my mp3 player. I can do the grapevine like no one's business, but spinning on my toes only leads to face-plants in the middle of the road. ::eek::


Well-known member

*High fives puma*

Hahaha! I love random dance to much, I could never change it. lol


Random dance is fun, you should try it, Mikey. When your out at the grocery store just start busting the electric slide down the isle...and video tape it because that would be hilarious.


That's bad ass! I love it when people enjoy themselves shamelessly.
You should post a video of you doing that. :D


not actually Fiona Apple
I sing in the shower, but I have to blast my music so I can't hear myself. I sing that bad! :p

I do the exact same thing when I'm driving (alone of course ::p:). I sound extra bad since I'm usually singing along to songs by females, doesn't sound right coming from me ::p:

In the shower I just tend to mumble hooks and random verses from memory. It's usually a pretty good indicator of how my days going to go. If it's I've Just Seen a Face or The Show, probably going to be a good day. I do sometimes worry people can hear me singing ♫ I'm just a little girl caught in the middle, life is a maze and love is a riddle ♫ I do have a manly image to protect you know :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I've nursed a pigion and a crow back to health and set them free.
I saved a cat at 3:00 in the morning that somebody hung by it's neck from a tree with a shoe lace.
And I climbed onto the roof of the vacant house next to mine a couple weeks ago to help a black cat that was stuck and crying.
*Que superman theme song"
I had a pet bat for a day one time.

Cool! What's it about, if you can give me some spoilers?
I can't share much as It's my baby.:D
But i'll say that it's got to do with horror quite a bit.
And my SA and depression have creeped their way into the
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Well-known member
Not that I hold much trust in Psychics but my sister went to see one and she said to her babies that are born with cords around their neck which I was tend to withdraw from people. I remember reading a thread on a social phobia forum and many people had been born with cords around their neck.:eek:


Well-known member
thats why you hide in the the tree and drop leaves and bark when people walk by. Ohhh another great thing me and my friend used to always do. We'd had this one tree we climbed like every day, and i brought my acoustic guitar, he brought his acoustic bass and we jammed in a tree!! It was funny because some people would walk by and hear the music but couldn't see us, it was hilarious watching them looking around. But the best one was this really old couple, like in their 80s, walking super slow, linking arms and right when they walked under our tree, we were playing this really nice, slow, romantic song, they kept walking for a while and then looked back and saw us in the tree and they just couldn't stop laughing, it was priceless, lol. trees are awesome

I know you wrote this forever ago but this story is insanely hilarious! I would pay money to get to see that! Your too awesome, drummer.