Post a random fact about yourself...


not actually Fiona Apple
You know that guest on tinychat or that mib_something on mibbit that sometimes log in and then freak out and leave without being able to say a word?

.... well, it's me >.<

Probably not every time, but yes, I do that quite often :p

Sorry XD

Oh, well next time you go press that "Start Broadcast" Button. It, uh, it'll start playing the radio for you. The tiny chat radio. Not you and your voice. You could start singing if you like. Since you won't be broadcasting or anything. Just the tinychat radio. That I didn't make up. Because it's real.
I hands down won the Great Octopi/Octopuses Debate of 2011.



Well-known member
I'm in love with a city,it's been my dream to go there ever since I was 12,I was hoping by this time I would have met my soul mate and go there with him..welp
The city is Saint Petersburg.


Well-known member
You get used to it real fast. The first week it's a little odd since you need to get used to having something on your face all the time (and you'll also experience something what I can only describe as ''noticeable super vision'', lol).

After about 2 weeks or so you'll start to reap the befits of better vision without it feeling odd/out of place.

That's cool, I'm sure it'll annoy me for a week or so like you said.

Are you long or short sighted?

I'm short sighted, so I don't have to wear them at home (which tends to be where I am most of the time) ::p:.
When I use the computer, operating the mouse with my right arm is often a horrible experience. No matter how soft the surface is that I rest my arm on, the blood circulation always cuts of enough to make my hand/wrist cold and cause an automatic state of panic.

It's really annoying.


Well-known member
I have committed 113 acts of violence in my life.::(:
I went through my whole life and counted. I am pretty sure that I remembered everything. I counted petty shoving matches, assaults that I have committed, assaults that I was the victim of, drunken brawls, instances where I have defended others, childhood fights, and three fights with my father. I didn't count fights with my brother, as I have no way of remembering all of those. This whole exercise has me feeling pretty depressed. I would like to think that I am an intelligent and respectful person. Why then has this happened to me so much? I know the answer to the question, It is rhetorical. But still I know lots of people that have never even been in a fight. I wish I was one of them.::(:


Well-known member
I was almost named 'Dawn Fawn' McGee
--still the butt of many a joke with the name I was given... but I imagine that would've been a million times worse... no matter how cute it is. XD