Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I play drums in a band
That's awesome!!
As a kid I always wanted to play drums, but my parents didn't want me to do so.

And I was lucky... now I can't even make any single little noise without worrying about my neighbors >.<


Well-known member
Thanks! Yeah it's definitely a lot of fun and a good release. Lots of high energy stuff to try and raise my spirit! Cops got called a few times from the noise but oh well, can't help who I am haha...


Well-known member
I spent the last few days watching live video feeds of Comic Con, esp for BioWare. And I actually enjoyed it all, despite feeling like a geeky loser at times =D Makes me want to finally get my butt down to the Comic Con next year.


Well-known member
I like..........big butts and i cannot lie, them other brothers cant deny!!!! lol jk

Well i'm starting guitar lessons pretty stoked!!!!
I like..........big butts and i cannot lie, them other brothers cant deny!!!! lol jk

Don't we all. :)

I said my first curse word out loud when I was in 8th grade (?), which means I was 13ish. My sister and I were home alone and I was trying some clothes on for some reason. I think it must have been some underwear :):eek::), because I came out of my room and asked how I looked. She said, "they don't fit." I said, "well how the hell do you know??!" It took me a minute to realize I had actually said it out loud. She gave me the funniest look, that "ha ha, I've got dirt on you for the next time you are mean to me" kind of face. I really haven't stopped cursing since. :)


Well-known member
When I was a child I thought I could count every the star in the sky,actually I went upto 582!I was really frustrated by that they were different everynight.
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