Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
When I was younger I couldn't pronounce paddling pool, christmas, chris or buckaroo properly. (piddling pool, p*ssmas, p*ss and buggeroo...)

I have a memory box of all my 'firsts' since I started going out again.


Well-known member
When I was 6 I was swinging on a vine from a tree and the vine broke and I landed balls-first on a sharp, broken tree. Thankfully my balls are fine, but I still have a huge scar.
A random fact? I'll give you three. These three facts tend to separate people: I like licorice; I like gingerbread; I like carrot cake.

^ So do I =D

And that is why you are smiling with such gusto. ::p:

i don't wish to be separated

but i like these things, too

Then you are indeed in good company. :)

Hate licorice, love gingerbread, never had carrot cake.

I'm pulled in all three directions. :)

If you do something, do it in style. And that is what you did. :D


Well-known member
When I was 7 I got lost in my own town because my sister and I were looking for a fantastic house we had seen in a children's magazine.