Post a random fact about yourself...


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You can see yourself???



Well-known member
let me see.. i suck at love i make people fall in love with me, then i dump them. eh.
ive been called a player // tease so many times but i dont mean to. i think i like someone, and they like me back, then i change my mind and dump them. i fall in love but fall out of love easier i guess.

i think things are 20 times more funnier than they actually are..

i play guitar.. and im learning the drums.

i love music!

im weird and very random. :wink:

You listen to Sonny Moore? Waltz?


Active member
I'm a big Harry Potter fan.
I Also like Doctor Who and Torchwood.
I'm still afraid of the Dark.
I'm a sucker for smart, older men, specially if British.
I really NEED to find love. Like right now. In a guy who matches some or all the above.
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Well-known member
1.I wish i were a guy sometimes. Perhaps i would be better at it.
2.I have a celebrity crush on Taylor Lautner and David does not matter if they are younger than me. One year pshhhhhh.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I said my first curse word out loud when I was in 8th grade (?), which means I was 13ish. My sister and I were home alone and I was trying some clothes on for some reason. I think it must have been some underwear :):eek::), because I came out of my room and asked how I looked. She said, "they don't fit." I said, "well how the hell do you know??!" It took me a minute to realize I had actually said it out loud. She gave me the funniest look, that "ha ha, I've got dirt on you for the next time you are mean to me" kind of face. I really haven't stopped cursing since. :)


I was probably cursing out loud before I was 13, but it would have been around that age that I decided to curse out loud in a maths class at school. That would have been bad enough on its own, except that I aimed this particular curse at the teacher, and due to a poorly timed moment of silence by the rest of the class he heard me. :)


Well-known member
I just can't ever seem to say NO to ppl,which always leads to an argument cos I wanna make EVERYONE happy & can't make ANYONE.


Well-known member
wow that is funny, oh well it's not like you're missing out on some amazing talent or anything haha, but hopefully you never find yourself in some life-or-death situation where imitating a fish would save your life lol

i had braces and a tongue piercing too! maybe that's what messed me up for whistling! I feel better now, at least I have an excuse! haha I can make a whistling noise and it's loud but I just can't change pitch. My friends tell me to change the position of my tongue from front to back but it never works. So frustrating! lol

lol yeah, i can suck my cheeks in a little, but not so much that it looks right like the fish face other people can make, lol.. so i guess i can almost do it, but i don't get very close, haha!

and i can't really whistle either.. i used to be able to when i was a kid, then i got braces, maybe that threw me off.. i got my braces off a loooong time ago but i still can't do it, i also had my tongue pierced which threw me off even more, lol.. i can make noise, but it sounds like sh!t, ha


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Scared! I was supposed to go to work and fire today but instead I just.. slept in.. ugh! Well, no reference for me, that's about the worst it can get anyway.

Brings back bad memories of skipping school and feeling hella shameful


Well-known member
I spent 8 long years in the army. Was the most difficult time of my life. I became a radio operator to avoid speaking to people directly.


Active member
quite possibly the lamest thing that's ever happened to anyone:

I had braces but I was kicked off the orthodontist course for missing three appointments, rendering the entire year that I wore them absolutely useless.