Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I have an extreme fear of islands:D I have no idea why but its like a phobia. Like if anybody shows me picture of Fiji or Samoa il literally faint.


not actually Fiona Apple
I takes me 2209 steps to get from the door to my dorm room to the counter of the dining hall.


I have green eyes, NOT hazel :mad: Not that there's anything wrong with hazel, but my damn license says hazel! They're greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

I feel like I've already posted this before..... probably have, haha.
I've watched dirty dancing for about 30 times with my grandma, good old times
she always said ''Oh I never seen this one, let's watch it'' hah she's in love with the movie haha, and we always laugh about the joke in the scene about the donkey game


Well-known member
Oh whatever, you're just jealous!!!!!! JEALOUS I SAY!!!!

No YOU are because you wish they were hazel, and your driver's license goads you at every glance. Because hazel can be GREEN AND lightish brown - at the same time, under different lighting, etc. Best of both worlds baby woo! :cool: ::p:


No YOU are because you wish they were hazel, and your driver's license goads you at every glance. Because hazel can be GREEN AND lightish brown - at the same time, under different lighting, etc. Best of both worlds baby woo! :cool: ::p:

How did I know you were going to pull the "two colors in one"? :rolleyes: :p
behind these hazel eyes.... theres a beautiful song about it by kelly clarkson. love it.

pretty green eyes is a nice song too... nice dance track

and the happy song brown eyed girl. very cheerful music.

I have green eyes, not hazel , a little green bluish though.


Okay, lets end this.

Surely green eyes trump all? Who can resist the exotic, sexy glow of green? The symbol of life and new beginnings? The color of the ocean (erm, certain parts of it anyway). The color of the grass that sustains the mighty and free animals that roam the earth....

Sorry, getting a bit carried away. Ahem.

But you know you're jealous :D