Post a random fact about yourself...

I used to think that when you held a shell to your ear you ACTUALLY heard the sea. I could never figure out why that damn beach was so quiet, so I yelled into the shell on multiple occasions.

Lies! It were all lies!


Well-known member
Everyone thinks opposite of me unless they get to know me,many of friends told me that.I'm also addicted to imagination & live in my head a lot,yeah I'm crazy.....


Well-known member
Random fact. Hmm...I have a small, round birthmark on the middle of my right foot. It's like a little 1/2 inch brown spot. When I was a kid, I used to think that someone spilled hot chocolate on my foot and it wouldn't come off. :)

haha I have a similar story,I have a small spot on my upper lip,when I was a kid I hadnt noticed before,I ate chocolate cake, afterwards I noticed the spot and kept trying to clean in the sink,my aunt kept saying it was a birthmark,but I didnt listen.......:rolleyes:

Dex Dorrey

Active member
my favorite movie is a tie between fight club and memento....i cant seem to find anyone in real life that has ever even heard of the latter, let alone seen it or liked it....despite the fact that it was directed by christopher nolan and starred guy pearce, carrie-anne moss and joe pantoliano
When I'm asleep, and you talk to me, I'll sit up and open my eyes. I seem to talk too, but from what I've heard it's very random. Raw thoughts. Afterwards I won't remember a thing.


Well-known member
my favorite movie is a tie between fight club and memento....i cant seem to find anyone in real life that has ever even heard of the latter, let alone seen it or liked it....despite the fact that it was directed by christopher nolan and starred guy pearce, carrie-anne moss and joe pantoliano

i've seen Memento - good flick
my favorite movie is a tie between fight club and memento....i cant seem to find anyone in real life that has ever even heard of the latter, let alone seen it or liked it....despite the fact that it was directed by christopher nolan and starred guy pearce, carrie-anne moss and joe pantoliano

Memento is a great movie! Remember Sammy Jenkis. :)


Well-known member
sometimes I browse through the introductions section just to read the stories of others, even if they're long gone.

which'll promptly leave me wondering where some people have went.
My desktop screen is full of digital post-it's with various lists on them.


The random fact is that I'm a full blown nerd. Well, without the usual knowledge of something complicated, of course. :3


Well-known member
My desktop screen is full of digital post-it's with various lists on them.


The random fact is that I'm a full blown nerd. Well, without the usual knowledge of something complicated, of course. :3

You should see my kitchen cupboards there completely full of little post-it notes with list of what to do, things I need and appointments etc. It helps me remember what I need and what I need to do coz without them I'm lost.