Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I check if there's someone under my bed before turning off the lights to go to sleep.

What the....Well i also do the EXACT same. I also make sure that the cupboard doors are closed properly. I cannot sleep if the cupboard door is open even a teeeny weeny bit.


Well-known member
I check if there's someone under my bed before turning off the lights to go to sleep.

I do the same.

also after a shower and I see something like the door being unlocked, I'll check the whole apartment with a large metal object.

I believe this is because one day I woke up and the front door was open.
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Well-known member
well since we are turning this topic in the weird fears topic :p

when i was a kid, i used to run away from the bathroom when i flushed it - because i was afraid of the sewer monster coming out to get me, until my mom caughtme and gaveme a sermon on washing my hands (i was a kid for christ!)...

i don't run from the flush, but i've never been able to shake that a chill when i have to use it late night and all dark...

well i'm pretty sure i'm alone on this one, and i'm sure i'll never post anything this embarassing again :p


Well-known member
well since we are turning this topic in the weird fears topic :p

when i was a kid, i used to run away from the bathroom when i flushed it - because i was afraid of the sewer monster coming out to get me, until my mom caughtme and gaveme a sermon on washing my hands (i was a kid for christ!)...

i don't run from the flush, but i've never been able to shake that a chill when i have to use it late night and all dark...

well i'm pretty sure i'm alone on this one, and i'm sure i'll never post anything this embarassing again :p
As a kid I used to do this too :p
But maybe the fact that I always heard noises from the other flats was the scary part

Anyway, you're not alone
when i was a kid, i used to run away from the bathroom when i flushed it - because i was afraid of the sewer monster coming out to get me, until my mom caughtme and gaveme a sermon on washing my hands (i was a kid for christ!)...

I did a similar thing when I was younger. The bathroom was by my room, on a corner, hard to explain. But I was terrified of the landing. So when traversing the house, I'd
a) If i was going from the toilet to my room, grab hold of the door handle, grab hold of the light switch, and use them at exactly the same time and leap into my room, and slam the door shut.
b) If I wanted to get downstairs from my room, I'd open my door and run down the stairs 4 at a time. I pulled many a muscle on those stairs.
or c) If I wanted to get up the stairs to my room, I'd hold onto the banister and jump up them, 4 at a time. Basically the same as before, but much less successful. I stopped doing this when i ripped the banister off the wall.

So there is the guide to getting around my old house, for a young Pebblesdundee. Enjoy!


Well-known member
Even if I try, I can't gain weight.

Ahh, how many people would be JEALOUS of you!!! :)

A friend's hubby said: I'm not jealous of rich people or beautiful or famous people, but if you can eat anything you want and NOT gain weight, I'm REALLY jealous!! LOL!!
I go through food phases of liking one particular food so much I will eat it often, instead of other foods. Even if it's inappropriate to eat it for Breakfast or a Dinner. ::p::rolleyes: