Picking up Women


Well-known member
I like it when guys approach me. Shows that they have initative and are somewhat comfortable with themselves. It also boost my selfesteem lol.

You should just comment on the things that are at hand.. like the book shes reading say "ohh thats a really good book!" or if your at the grocery store say " The so-and-so brand is waaay better..trust me."
Ladies, has a guy ever approached you out of the blue? What did they say? What was your reaction?

Well... I've been hit on in public before but never specifically asked out.

There was one time I was waiting for a train after work and I noticed this young, somewhat attractive guy checking me out. I had headphones in but he came over anyway and started talking to me, and I didn't want to be rude of course to I took them out. I soon realized he reeked of alcohol -____- He was well-dressed, though, so it made me wonder. Then he explained he worked for some tech or computer software company or something (he did seem kind of nerdy :p) and he just got back from a company party. He sat next to me on the train and we chatted a bit, he told me he was only visiting for a few months for work and then going back to South Carolina. He told me he didn't know the area well and said it would be nice if I would show him around (or something like that). He then realized that he was getting off the train several stops ahead of me. He didn't ask for my number or anything, he just told me I was pretty and then left, haha. And to be honest, although he was sort of attractive (I was debating it in my head), he was really awkward - even with the alcohol. And the alcohol was a good reason not to take it seriously anyway, in my opinion.

Sooooo, all in all... that was an interesting experience and I kind of felt bad for the guy. I wish he had been sober and less socially awkward, haha.

Anyway. I have no advice, I decided to just be self-centered and share my little story. That is all!


Super Moderator
I've been approached, but online and by friends I've known for ages. No random guy has ever approached me. I've never approached anyone either because I'm socially awkward.

My reaction? I liked him back, so I said yes and also confessed my feelings. We've been partners for a few years now. I'm hoping it lasts a lot more, forever if possible. -crosses fingers-


Well-known member
Only once and it was by a man whom I would not ever go out with.
It was in wal-mart (not a good place to hit on the ladies btw) and I was looking at the flowers trying to pick some out for my mother who was in the hospital. He walks up to me and asks "Will you buy ME flowers too?

I looked at him and said loudly "I'm a lesbian!"
Not that I am but it got rid of him fast.


Well-known member
On your bike, you're pulled. ;)

There was one time when I was about to enter the Underground to get home and a guy said excuse me. I turned my head to see who was, thinking it was someone who was lost. He then asked me what my name was. I asked what and he replied, because I looked beautiful when he laid eyes on me (to me it sounded creepy). He asked my name again, but I said I wasn't going to tell him and walked away. He even followed me a bit. Got a bit scared. Luckily he didn't follow me home, as he gave that impression.

Something that I NEVER DO. But, I wish I could strike up a conversation when I randomly see someone that I am attracted to. i.e Grocery Store, library etc. But, I always feel too shy and dorky.

Has anyone tried to pick someone up before? Ladies, has a guy ever approached you out of the blue? What did they say? What was your reaction?


Well-known member
A guy once approached me to tell me that I looked just like his cousin. I would suggest not using that as a pickup line.


Well-known member
Never picked anyone up, though I'd like to give it a shot just for the sake of it. :bigsmile:

As Opaline mentioned, I too have been hit on but not specifically asked out often. I can think of one incident that I feel was executed correctly.

When I worked, I was on a break getting something from Starbucks. We were in line waiting to order. I think he made a joke about the cashier or what I was ordering. That started up a conversation as he asked where I was from, and what I did for a living. I asked these questions back and he went into this tale about traveling around the world (i forgot what his career was but i thought it was neat). He then asked if I'd join him for coffee, right than and there. My reaction in my head was.. I was floored. He had guts, and I'd never been asked like that. It was a pretty nice compliment too. I had to get back to work though so..


Well-known member
Like mismeek said it boosts someones self esteem to be asked out so it couldn't hurt. I've been asked out a few times. Once this guy seemed like a player but he started out right so i'll just say what was good. I was at work and he asked if I needed help carrying something. I thought that was very nice. There was another guy who said i was beautiful and we had to meet again. One more was a guy at a pizza place made a joke and said "we don't have any of that pizza" (when i could see it) i didn't know he was flirting at first but it was a comical way of showing interest.


Well-known member
Like mismeek said it boosts someones self esteem to be asked out so it couldn't hurt. I've been asked out a few times. Once this guy seemed like a player but he started out right so i'll just say what was good. I was at work and he asked if I needed help carrying something. I thought that was very nice. There was another guy who said i was beautiful and we had to meet again. One more was a guy at a pizza place made a joke and said "we don't have any of that pizza" (when i could see it) i didn't know he was flirting at first but it was a comical way of showing interest.

Well it could hurt the OP if he gets rejected (not to sound negative), but it can also bring a self-esteem boost. That is, if you get into the habit of it Imnotmyillness.


Well-known member
Well it could hurt the OP if he gets rejected (not to sound negative), but it can also bring a self-esteem boost. That is, if you get into the habit of it Imnotmyillness.

I doubt that. I would come across as too self conscious and awkward. I'm definitely going to end up alone if this continues.



Well-known member
Evolution is trying to weed me out. I don't blame it, I agree. I have no plans on reproducing. I just want to love and be loved. Is that so much to ask from nature?



Well-known member
Asking random women out or flirting with them does take some steely emotions, because it could get shot down very quickly. I have never approached a stranger before, even though there's been many times where I've wanted to.

As a male, even I've been approached a few times. Twice I regret not doing anything, and that's the ones I can vividly remember, too.


Well-known member
My suggestion...don't focus on "picking them up". Develop an arsenal of witty and humorous things to say when you see someone you would like to meet. Making someone smile or laugh is the best way to break the ice and start a conversation. And hey, if they do smile or laugh and look you in the eye then you are off to a great start. This works great with anyone you meet for the first time. The more you make others smile the more confidence you gain and the better it makes you feel about yourself. In turn, these are qualities that make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Practice your smile and looking people in the eye...these are things that truly help make a great first impression.

Just make any stranger smile and you will be amazed how soon they are no longer a stranger. And when it comes to getting that date...don't be afraid to ask. Don't get discouraged if you get turned down because it is a numbers game. Just gain experience from trying and you will get better at it. Remember that it is impossible to succeed if you never try.

OH! and one more thing...DON'T BE THE CREEPY GUY! For the most part, women don't fall for corney one liners. Don't start with a pickup line or oogle at her cleavage. Just say something witty to make them smile and look at you smiling back and looking them in the eye. If they are wearing a nametag at the time try to get their name but dont let them see you looking at the tag. Example: Smile softly and start by saying "Hey Angela, how are you today?" just like you've known them all your life. You have no idea how powerful that is and how much it will help you meet people in general. Best of luck!
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