Pet pics

I guess I am. No one has pointed out that about me before. But then again, you are like incredibly intelligent, so I shouldn't be so impressed :p. I'm not being nice... you really are good looking ;)

And thanks, your intelligence and positive attitude also do the same for me ;). Allright, lets stop kissing each other's asses and get back on topic :D xD
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Well-known member

This is my two month old Pekingese/Japanese Chin pup Genghis. My parents went on a trip and thought that they'd surprise me with a puppy on their return. A puppy I didn't get to name. :rolleyes: Still the thought of a small, fluffy dog named after the great Mongol leader and warrior is amusing. When I introduced him to my boxer, Genghis bared his itty bitty teeth and barked at her. He sounds like a squeaky toy. lol He's got spunk. Pictures do him no justice. He's much cuter in real life.
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Well-known member
My cat Poe is totally in my way, interfering with my internet quality times....


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Well-known member
@ Pookah: You got the same keyboard as me, only you have the USA version, I got the Belgian, Azerty version.::p: I love my dog, I really do, but when he comes to me when I'm concentrating on a game or playing music he always bothers me. When I ask him to sit with me watching TV or any other things I do, he seems to ignore me. And right when he doesn't need to show up, there you have him. I'm also not allowed to talk to myself or working on something else then PC. It's like he thinks I'm sick because I'm not at the PC at that moment, because I always am.
Still with me ?


Well-known member
Heres my likkle cat :cool: ( This is from a few months ago, its still got a small cute face =) )


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Here as my 2 catties, left one is Minou, right one is Mopke, she passed away last year from cancer, but i still miss here every single day.


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Well-known member
My cat Filo (Spanish for "sharp" - his claws were a real pain...literally...)
Here he is, displaying his bag fetish :b


Filo again - taken a week before we put him to sleep. He had end-stage lymphoma (type of cancer) and sadly, we had to put him down. He was 18 so he lived a long and peaceful life. We loved him with all our hearts and he's there to stay forever. Rest in peace<3



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Here's one of my Leopard Geckos, Eris, basking under the heating lamp.


Eris again, looking a bit pissed with the camera a few inches away xD


And finally, my other Leopard Gecko, Dysnomia. She's very antisocial and this was the only picture she's let me take so far. I got a piece of blue lint from a sock and put it on her head. It looked like a Mohawk and I thought it was the cutest thing, I HAD to take a picture whether she liked it or not :D

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Obstacle 1

Well-known member
WOW!! Black with blue eyes?! That's like, my ideal cat :eek: Beautiful cat you've got there~ :D
Hey thanks, they are more pale green under normal lighting as he grew out of the blue many years ago. I would say black cats with blue eyes are pretty hard to find :)

Sorry to hear about yours, it was a very good looking cat and he didn't look his age at all. I do like your gecko though especially with the mowhawk :D