Most days in a row for not leaving the house?


New member
I just found this forum and after reading through the posts it almost makes feel worse than I did.I thought I would find someone worse off than me.Around the time my daughter was born I was on a 3+ year streak.I couldn't leave for anything...even missed out on seeing my baby girl be born.since then I have left once or twice for very short periods of time.I am currently going on a year and a half of being trapped at home.It would be nice to know there are others as bad or worse off than I am to relate to life is flying by while I sit at home.


Well-known member
lol, not that Im proud of this... or that this is legitimate contribution to your thread... but I've not been out of my house for 34 days... and counting.

I do school online, I have no job, no girlfriend, my friends have all gone to college, and I constantly argue with my family.

I know how it feels to let your social skills slowly decay away.


Well-known member
3 months. I just broke down over the summer and i could barely leave my room, let alone my house. My family tried to be understanding...but you can only go so far ya know? when i finally left my house (heavily medicated) I threw up like a billion times.

kinda I'm not so bad now so i can laugh about it.


New member
yep, totally know what you mean. I go walking with my partner, as find walking by myself is difficult. I feel like I am walking funny and looking funny and its hell noticeable or somethin. Stupid ay?? I dont go to busy places alone, as its worse there, and absolutely hate lining up in busy shops or supermarkets.
Is there anyone out there who has it this bad?? Like your legs feel like jelly. You get all nervous when driving and waiting in a queue of drivers etc?? My legs start shaking sometimes, and I have to drive to work every day twice. Two shifts.


Well-known member
yep, totally know what you mean. I go walking with my partner, as find walking by myself is difficult. I feel like I am walking funny and looking funny and its hell noticeable or somethin. Stupid ay?? I dont go to busy places alone, as its worse there, and absolutely hate lining up in busy shops or supermarkets.
Is there anyone out there who has it this bad?? Like your legs feel like jelly. You get all nervous when driving and waiting in a queue of drivers etc?? My legs start shaking sometimes, and I have to drive to work every day twice. Two shifts.

I love driving! feel safe and alone when I'm in my car.


I have not left the house on my own for about a year and six months. You could count the number of times I have gone out on both hands, all with my mum. I used to think I was lazy but surely it has to be some thing more. I'm 19 years old, have no friends, no job, never had a proper girlfriend and have put on a lot of weight in this time. The only face to face interaction with another human being I have is with my mum. Depression, anxiety, agoraphobic, who knows. All I know is some thing is not right and I feel like a prisoner in a cell of my own making.

I came across this site looking to see if there were people like me but now I feel worse knowing there are very few in extreme situations like mine. I feel alone. The few people in my life who tried to help me now feels like they have given up, I can't blame them. They say I need to want to change but who would not want to get out of this hell?


Active member
I love driving! feel safe and alone when I'm in my car.
Same here. I don't keep count of the days, but going out for a drive in my car is usually the only way I can get out of the house, unless I need groceries or have an appointment.

That's becoming a bit of a luxury though, at least until I get a job again to pay for it.


yep, totally know what you mean. I go walking with my partner, as find walking by myself is difficult. I feel like I am walking funny and looking funny and its hell noticeable or somethin. Stupid ay?? I dont go to busy places alone, as its worse there, and absolutely hate lining up in busy shops or supermarkets.
Is there anyone out there who has it this bad?? Like your legs feel like jelly. You get all nervous when driving and waiting in a queue of drivers etc?? My legs start shaking sometimes, and I have to drive to work every day twice. Two shifts.

I only recently started learning to drive and I am finding it very difficult. Having an automatic car would make a big difference but I would still be anxious. My mum's car is from 1960 something ...and is not fun!
I don't like walking around my neighbourhood too much, I actually prefer when there are more people around like up town or especially in the city.


New member
I have not left the house on my own for about a year and six months. You could count the number of times I have gone out on both hands, all with my mum. I used to think I was lazy but surely it has to be some thing more. I'm 19 years old, have no friends, no job, never had a proper girlfriend and have put on a lot of weight in this time. The only face to face interaction with another human being I have is with my mum. Depression, anxiety, agoraphobic, who knows. All I know is some thing is not right and I feel like a prisoner in a cell of my own making.

I came across this site looking to see if there were people like me but now I feel worse knowing there are very few in extreme situations like mine. I feel alone. The few people in my life who tried to help me now feels like they have given up, I can't blame them. They say I need to want to change but who would not want to get out of this hell?

I can completely relate. I'm 22, have no friends, no job, never been in a relationship. I have not left the house on my own for like forever now. Hell, I have not left the house at all for almost 3 months now. I don't even go outside of my room much. It's been hell in this self-inflicted prison, I know.

I rely on my mom to accompany me on the rare occasions I need or want to go out too. And I hear you there, the few people in my life seem to have given up on me also.


Well-known member
Most days in a row for not leaving the house?

Would have to be several months. Frankly, if I could, I would NEVER leave my house again and NEVER EVER interact with the outside world again.


Well-known member
i havent left the house in 3 weeks now. the only time i do is when i have to. my mom has been asking me to go outside so i'm going for a walk soon.


Well-known member
Three days is my record; but I didn't leave the house at all. Not even to go to school, or look outside.


If its any consolation to any of you I haven't left the house in 3 whole months before. The only thing that can get me out of the house is visits to my psychiatrist. Really, that's it. I wouldn't dare set foot out of my house all by myself any time soon, especially after what happened to my brother(he got jumped by six men!). But thank Heaven he's wasn't harmed.


Active member
On My Own: 18 years and counting :(
With Someone: Last Thursday with my support worker for 1hour..

I'm going out with her again this Thursday to find out about my housing options (hoping for good news) :D


Well-known member
I have not left the house on my own for about a year and six months. You could count the number of times I have gone out on both hands, all with my mum. I used to think I was lazy but surely it has to be some thing more. I'm 19 years old, have no friends, no job, never had a proper girlfriend and have put on a lot of weight in this time. The only face to face interaction with another human being I have is with my mum. Depression, anxiety, agoraphobic, who knows. All I know is some thing is not right and I feel like a prisoner in a cell of my own making.

I came across this site looking to see if there were people like me but now I feel worse knowing there are very few in extreme situations like mine. I feel alone. The few people in my life who tried to help me now feels like they have given up, I can't blame them. They say I need to want to change but who would not want to get out of this hell?

i am in the exact same situation. age and everything, but ive had a gf :eek:

please post in my new thread to give me some insight on the more extreme end of this..thing..were going through


Well-known member
My personal best was two weeks. Two weeks without setting foot outside my flat. After that two weeks I felt depressed, irritable and wound up tighter than a spring. I don't let myself hibernate like that anymore. It's not healthy. I force myself to go outside, even if it's only to go for a drive in my car. I usually feel a lot better afterward.


Try going outside at night. Just right outside where you live. Look at the stars, get some fresh air. I know I'm more comfortable in my own yard because I'm not afraid to look up in fear that my neighbor might be outside too. At night, they are usually asleep early, and I can hold my head up and breathe.