Most days in a row for not leaving the house?


Well-known member
I don't think anyone will surpass my high score

4 years

I only went out to get my GED

so I'm back Inside again

yeah thats rough. Im gonna say two days is my max, since i either have to go to school or work. i work a double for opening day of the orioles, as a server, and im terrified, but i think in the long run ill be fine.


Active member
mid january was the last time for me i think.

yeah.. that's what happens with no support network.


Active member
7 months maybe, presuming you don't include taking the garbage out and whatnot; elsewise ~5 months.

5 months at home, only stepped out once in that time to go for a haircut.
Benefit of having a shaved head (easily done yourself :)


Well-known member
Like.... well, it was like just Christmas and Thanksgiving in 1 or 2 years, so been maybe several months. Although, I went out at 2AM for a walk sometimes, that was not so long ago though. So at the least, I know I haven't left for 2-4 months, at the least.


Staff member
If poss try get out for a small walk atleast once a day, even if its only to the end of your garden or end of the street and back, it helps with agorophobia immensly!


Well i would say the most i've ever stayed in is a week. Going out isn't really a problem, it's just the general day to day socialising that is so overwhelming for me.

For instance, if im shopping at tescos and paying for something at the checkout, i have no problem making pleasantries. It's the thought of being in a group and trying to think of what to say all the time. It's like my mind turns into an empty void and i just can't find the words to express myself.


Well-known member
I guess I am the ultimate loser, I have no work life, no social life, no life overall, no friends, no girlfriend.

I must be the ultimate loser too then... ::p:

Well, I've never counted... but I'd say somewhere up to three weeks straight. And then there's the occasional times that I meet my friends, have a haircut, or something of the like. Possibly go shopping - which isn't too pleasant.
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I find it extemely difficult to go anywhere. I would like to meet some nice people, but its so difficult feeling overwhelmed. I doubt my ability to cope.

And in the past when i was part of anything, people invited me to social events, and i just didnt want to go.

I still have a couple of friends, but i get extremely lonely all the time.

I am trying to be positive, but its scary knowing that i HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE to get anywhere/change.


Well-known member
I find it extemely difficult to go anywhere. I would like to meet some nice people, but its so difficult feeling overwhelmed. I doubt my ability to cope.

And in the past when i was part of anything, people invited me to social events, and i just didnt want to go.

I still have a couple of friends, but i get extremely lonely all the time.

I am trying to be positive, but its scary knowing that i HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE to get anywhere/change.

This is exactly how I feel ::eek::
Only, I'm not really lonely anymore. I kinda got used to it. ;) Dunno if that's a good thing.


Well-known member
I've gone weeks without leaving my house too. Well, unless you count checking the mail box and taking out the trash as getting out of the house?... I sit in my room bored outta my damn mind like 98% of the time (like right now). I used to lock myself in my room for an hour or so and just cry, bcus I felt so lonely and depressed. But I don't cry about it as much as I used to. It's almost as if I've run out of tears (if that's possible). I just get tired of crying all the time. I'm just glad I found this site, bcus now I actually have a place to vent.


This is exactly how I feel ::eek::
Only, I'm not really lonely anymore. I kinda got used to it. ;) Dunno if that's a good thing.

Yeah, i am used to being in the same old situation, i want things to change, but it would make me uncomfortable and stressed out having to go out.

Its going to take alot of effort to be outgoing, and its like against my (introverted) ways. I kind of like only having a few quality people around that i can trust.


Active member
I hate to admit this, but maybe a year or so. And if we're talking about not going further than the backyard, then it's probably closer to 3 years.


Active member
If you mean going outside at all, I would say a month or two.

Going to places like stores...much longer...I never kept count and it all seems like a blur but I would say close to a year.

My mental, and physical health suffered and continue to suffer from this.

I hate not being able to go to the dentist or doctor without it being a damn near impossible feat.

On a more positive note, I try to go outside everyday to look around and check my catnip plant.

I <3 my cat ^_^

Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun
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