Most days in a row for not leaving the house?

I've only stayed in the house for like 3 days straight at most, but only becasue I have to go to school, which I REALLY don't want to anyway. I'm sure if I was not required to go somewhere that I would probably be stuck here for forever.


Well-known member
I used to leave the house everyday for anything. Now I stay home unless I absolutely have to leave. I have been in my house for about a week now. I'm even looking for a stay at home job. Ugh, this sucks.

I wish the best for everyone here and hope we can all get through this.


nosblob said:
I don't think anyone will surpass my high score

4 years

I only went out to get my GED

so I'm back Inside again
8 years, from 2000 to today.

I not only surpassed it, I doubled it. Not seen this decade! Infact, not seen this century!!


Active member
I've been agoraphobic for about 17 years now, I did have a social worker from the deaf center to take me out in her car about nine or ten years ago but then it just stopped

I believe she stopped helping me because I refused to get on a bus on my own after being agoraphobic for 3 years... (Im about 6' 8" tall) so it's only it's only natural for peolpe to look at you more..

I haven't left the house/garden for about 2 months now!! But I never go out on my own anyway!!


Sending love to everybody here.

I go months and months without going further than my garden. Sometimes my parents take me out in the car and back to their place. Sometimes we go places where I am sure there will be no people, like an isolated park. I don't stay long though.


LonelyLoser said:
It has been two weeks since I have had a decent conversation, and I am losing my grip a bit. I cant even leave the house on foot and all Im stuck with are my parents, and they have been ignoring me and hated me for quiting my job due to social anxiety and depression. My depression is totally holding me back from living my life.

I guess I am the ultimate loser, I have no work life, no social life, no life overall, no friends, no girlfriend.

On top of this I hold the embarrassing record of the most days being completely housebound. 9 DAYS and still counting.

the most i've gone w/out going outside is a year. i have no work life, no social life, no friends, no boyfriend (i'm asexual, so i'm okay w/ this, lol), and no life either. w00t, w00t. i'm home 24/7 as well. i had to drop out of high school, i want to get a job but can't...yeah. i'm 17.
Go to your local library and see if they have any books on ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). After years of trying meds and CBT, ACT has given me back my life. If your local library doesn't have any books on ACT, then try a local bookstore (like Borders). Find a job, that will get you out of the house, earn some money and practice socializing. Fall down seven times, get up eight times.

Rush said:
Hold your fire
Keep it burning bright
Hold the flame 'til the dream ignites
A spirit with a vision is a dream
With a mission

I hear their passionate music
Read the words that touch my heart
I gaze at their feverish pictures
The secrets that set them apart

When I feel the powerful visions
Their fire has made alive
I wish I had that instinct
I wish I had that drive

Spirits fly on dangerous missions
Imaginations on fire
Focused high on soaring ambitions
Consumed in a single desire

In the grip of a nameless possession
A slave to the drive of obsession
A spirit with a vision is a dream
With a mission

I watch their images flicker
Bringing light to a lifeless screen
I walk through their beautiful buildings
And I wish I had their dreams
But dreams don't need to have motion
To keep their spark alive
Obsession has to have action
Pride turns on the drive

It's cold comfort
To the ones without it
To know how they struggled
How they suffered about it
If their lives were exotic and strange
They would likely have gladly exchanged them
For something a little more plain
Maybe something a little more sane

We each pay a fabulous price
For our visions of paradise
But a spirit with a vision is a dream
With a mission


New member
Well I haven't gone that many days but that's just because I have to leave..if I had the choice I would probably longer. I'm still in highschool so I have to leave..I only leave when I must. I have a job also..which has helped me a tad socially. Everyone there if kinda messed up so it makes me feel better about myself. I'm not as nervous around them as I am at school.

Although I'm still nervous around some of the hot girls there. They make me get red in the face :oops: and I think that kinda creeps them out. And almost everything I do or say turns into something really awkward. I think I'm actually really's not lack of self esteem I don't's just I don't know HOW to say things..I always think of something funny and it just never comes out right...or I'm too nervous to talk in the first place but when I get the courage to speak everyone's talking about something else entirely.

About 2 weeks ago I went to a movie wilth a friend..most people would probably call him an acquatance(sp)but since I have no friends he is the closest thing to one...sadly, that was my proudest moment.

By the way-I'm new here.


Well-known member
last times going out is last wednesday to seen a psychiatrist.and usually my friend came to i visit almost everyday but she hasn't come for a few days now.i think she's working back.i feel like wanting to go out as well but i just feel uncomfortable with crowds and i'm scared i'll meet someone at work if i'm in the mall or anything. :( i asked my friend to go to someplace for vacation(the place where i can't meet familiar faces) but she don't want.she just likes to work.


Psychedelicious said:
I've only stayed in the house for like 3 days straight at most, but only becasue I have to go to school, which I REALLY don't want to anyway. I'm sure if I was not required to go somewhere that I would probably be stuck here for forever.

Same here. School's been out for a month, so it's been a month since I've left the house. Actually I like school, for me it's that push I need to get over this. It gives me a reason to go outside. Plus I've got a lot of great friends, which makes it so much easier and enjoyable.

I've been outside, in the yard and such, but that's still technically the house. I haven't left my comfort zone since I had to start high school two years ago. Good news is though, now that route is second nature and I'm rarely scared. Bad news is I don't travel it unless I'm going to school. Even though I'm not scared I'm just not motivated.


it's about two months for me. i didn't like it. i tried going to san francisco last year. my parents sent me alone. they thought it would help. i didn't leave my hotel room out of paralyzing fear. i finally raided the mini bar and would drink before going out, but only at night, and only to walk around the streets and smoke. i will sit in my back yard and will smoke while i listen to the sparrows and watch the squirrels bustling. at night i sit out there to listen to the crickets chirring.
i've been out of my apartment about 5 or 6 times since the beginning of september. i go to my mailbox Mon-Sat (10 stairs down from my front door) and take out the trash (25 steps to the curb & only at 4 in the morning). i'm so sick of delivery. after this bad patch is over i swear i will never eat chinese food or pizza ever again.
I think the longest I've haven't left the house would be about a couple of weeks and no longer than that...except for shopping, exercise etc.


Well-known member
The longest I've gone without leaving the house was like six months or longer (probably longer). Recently, though, I usually get out of the house at least once a week. Though, not too long ago, I went nearly a month without leaving the house. Sometimes I leave the house 3-4 times a week (that's rare, though).

I really only leave the house to go to the grocery store (about once every week). Or to therapist appointments, psychiatrist appointments, occupational specialist (girl who's trying to help me find a job) appointments, & appointments with he place that's trying to help me find a job. The therapist is about every two weeks, the O.S. is every week, psychiatrist is every 6 weeks to 2 months, & the place that's helping me with school is about every month. Total per month is (usually) anywhere from 3-8 times a month. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.

I'm starting college in January, though, & I'll be having to leave a few times a week for that. I'm worried I won't be able to deal with it, but I'm gonna try my best. The doctor just put me on clonazepam (Klonopin), which I pick up today or Monday, so I'm hoping it will help... at least a little.


10 days and counting. I wish i had a friend to take me out of the house Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

have no expectations from yourself and take it one day at a time. if you have a dog, take him for a walk. if you don't have a dog, get one. st. johns wort or effexor can address your anxiety and depression, at the same time.
xanax really works for fear, i was able to do public speaking because of it.
don't think about what you don't have: but what you're going to have once your reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal personality comes through!!!!!!!!!! there's nothing wrong with you, you just THINK there is.


Well-known member
i believe that was 2 months after the end of high school , i've really not counted, but i remember i missed the graduation party , i remember that i felt like no one wanted me there , and i was absolutelly addicted to some online game , which helped forgeting everything on the world for that time.

Before my dad "kicked me" outside my bed at morning and said or you get a job or you don't have a home. I just got a job 6 months latter , but i really have to thank my dad for doing that, that took me by surprise because , he is generally so calm.

But that moment changed many things, if i'm graduated and have a nice job today that played a huge role, because even with some pathetic experiences after that, i think i'm much better this way, and i wouldn't probably go outsite by my own will.
8 days without going outside my door, but about four months where my mother would just drive me to the end of my road and back and I could hardly handle that. Though I could say I left the house it gave me no sense of achievement, it just made me worse cos I found it so terrifying.