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I had a teacher who looked like Jim Carrey. He used to hate the comparison!I had a teacher who looked exactly like Ned Flanders from the Simpsons ::
I had a teacher who looked like Jim Carrey. He used to hate the comparison!I had a teacher who looked exactly like Ned Flanders from the Simpsons ::
Same sort of thing happened in our year, too. Any kind of action like that and people will scream out "GAY!" or something. I once picked up a 20c coin from the ground and everyone was all "SCAB!"
It's just a defense mechanism, I reckon. Everyone wants to be top dog in school and the only way is to belittle anyone else. It's a stupid environment.
Absolutely! I hated my high school life and everyone in it so I'm glad that it's all over and I never have to set foot inside it again.
"School is the best time of your life!" HELL NO.
I had a teacher who looked like Jim Carrey. He used to hate the comparison!
You were being gentle with me Malice? I always knew you cared! But, I want you to hurt me; I'm only a masochist for you Malice! You can never hurt me too much. This video describes the situation perfectly:
FAMILY GUY Peters 2 dads - YouTube
Sorry for the quality.
"Ain't" isn't a word and never say never. You don't know what the future holds nor what I'm capable of.
Haha Family Guy xD
But really now, your morbid fascination with me is amusing as it is disturbing ::
I know, but I like it for some reason. Reminds me of my childhood when I would say aint instead of not, and I'd rather not find out what you're capable of. I already dated a stalker not too long ago and I'd really love to avoid getting into a situation like that again for the rest of my life <__<
Malice used the 'word' ain't as a kid?! XD
I don't think I ever said ain't out loud unless I was reading it from a script... and even then, it was painful to say it. haha
Sounds so hick. ::
If you found that, everyone would be an instant best buddy. Anyway, who has $20 to lose in high school? I barely ever had $10 to my name during those forgetful times.It's ridiculous, and what the hell? I wonder what they would have said to me when I found that 20 dollar bill on the floor in jr. high ::
Agreed. I never understood what the craze of popularity was all about. I was much happier being the loner than the prissy little princess of the school.
Maybe he got that comparison so much that he just hated it in the end. Or he hated Jim Carrey. Either way, we were never game to bring it up too much!Haha~ why though?? Jim Carrey is frickin hilarious!![]()
Malice used the 'word' ain't as a kid?! XD
I don't think I ever said ain't out loud unless I was reading it from a script... and even then, it was painful to say it. haha
Sounds so hick. ::
Ex-trailer-trash checking in - I physically cringe anytime I hear someone use that word now.
haha~ I grew up in social housing, trailers and women's shelters and never said 'aint' a single time on purpose. ALWAYS cringed when I heard other kids (or worse--- adults.) say it.
It's just so.... soooo....
I do think a fake southern accent must've been cute on little latina you, Malice
I still do a number of accents and voices just to annoy my mom.
I think she's more amused by them than annoyed, though... especially my hairlip lisp.
I've made her pee her pants a few times with that one.
Why, just… WHY??? Why do people do this to me??? What the hell is going through their heads??? My sanity just can’t take it anymore!!!
*Takes a deep breath* Okay... just gimme a sec to recover... Ugh, my eyes are still burning in pure agony... I could really use some holy water right now to splash onto my eyes and cleanse them of the horrific sight they just witnessed, but alas, it is far too late. My eyes have already been scarred for life and maybe longer…
You all probably think I’m losing my mind right now or am just being overdramatic, but you’d be saying all of this too if you just saw what I saw. Knowing you all want me to just shut the hell up already and get to the point, here’s what happened:
I was taking Gizmo out for a short walk, happily ever after, minding my own business, listening to all the cute birds singing, breathing in that fresh cool morning air, and then BAM! Here comes this random Asian lady power walking in these really tight tights that gave her the most ungodly case of camel toe in the history of camel toe.
Please don’t assume I’m some sort of lez who likes to look at women down there as they walk. Usually I wouldn’t look right there to begin with but I s*** you not that thing, that monstrosity, was practically gaping at me like it wanted to eat me. Seriously.
*Shudders* That unsightly image is just like, tattooed on my brain right now. It just won’t go away… I feel like the only way to get rid of it would be to spend the next hour or so scraping a cheese grater against my head.
Alright well… I think I’ve ranted on enough about this, but let me just say one more thing:
Ladies, I understand your inclination to accentuate your voluptuous curves as much as possible but please, for the sake of my and everyone elses' sanity, wear something that isn't tight enough to make your crotch look like a moose's knuckle split in half.
Thank you very much and good day to you all.
Oh, and I apologize if this post was TMI. I just had to share this I mean it was... it was…
Okay I’ll shut up now.
She's always doing stuff like that to try and make me laugh, but then she just ends up annoying me the majority of the time![]()
Ah, "dad jokes". They are the pits for humour. :I fear for my future kids. All my jokes are shudder-worthy enough now - I can't imagine how embarrassing I'll become by the time I've traded my sense of shame for gray hair and anecdotes about the dawn of the internet.![]()
^ My school is actually pretty small, so there isn't exactly hundreds of new students I have to worry about. Still makes me a little nervous though seeing everybody.I want to visit some of my teachers too, but I dunno. Just the thought of setting foot in that place again where there are already hundreds of new students I'm not familiar with is really putting me off. Haha~ I had a teacher who looked exactly like Ned Flanders from the Simpsons ::
Oh no, rant to your heart's content by all means! Just the thought that people actually come here to my domain of nonsense out of the simple goodness of their heart makes me really happy![]()
I fear for my future kids. All my jokes are shudder-worthy enough now - I can't imagine how embarrassing I'll become by the time I've traded my sense of shame for gray hair and anecdotes about the dawn of the internet.
^ My school is actually pretty small, so there isn't exactly hundreds of new students I have to worry about. Still makes me a little nervous though seeing everybody.
Oh good, I can continue ranting. We love your so called "nonsense" Malice! It really is quite entertaining.
And now reading some of the above posts, you're starting to make me feel a little stupid. I still say 'ain't.' Not excessively, mind you, but it comes out every once in a while. I said it a lot as a kid though. I guess some habits are hard to break.![]()
i could tell you a story or sing you a song , i know a couple of ghosts stories , muahaha
I think that's your problem. You're not tiring yourself out by going out or anything. If you do some physical activity, you will feel exhausted later, and that will lead to a better, fuller sleep. Also, glaring at a computer screen doesn't help.You'd think that practically spending the entire day sitting here on my ass with my eyes glued to this screen hour after hour would tire me out, but it doesn't.