Holy son of a turkey fart, I don't think I've ever been this shaken up yet relieved. My shirt is drenched in sweat.
I don't know if any of you saw that rant I made on that "Dream Girl/Guy" thread about me being in love with my female best friend and all that jazz but.. well, I told my *other* best friend about how I was feeling about that girl because I really needed to tell someone about this before it drove me insane. So she was understand as always and told me that if this was dragging me down so much then I should just tell that girl about it.
I obviously bashed that idea, especially after what happened in jr. high when I told this girl that I liked her. Did I ever even tell that story here? Well, in case I didn't, here's what happened:
So about midway through 7th grade I developed a crush on this girl I was good friends with and later on in the year I told her about it and at first she acted like she was really flattered and was cool with it and I felt relieved. A few days later I started noticing people looking at me differently, whispering among themselves as I passed by, and over time random people started coming up to me and asking me things like “Are you a lez?” and whatnot and that’s when I realized that the girl had told everyone about it and everything went downhill from there. I was called names, bullied, harassed by guys, and so on..
The worst case was during lunch one day when I went to use one of the bathrooms near the side of the school where there weren’t a lot of people and these guys were hanging out there and there wasn’t anyone around at the time. As soon as they saw me they cornered me and asked me if I liked girls, to which I replied “What the hell do you care?” and tried to get past them and one of them pinned me against the wall and said that he "could change that”. I was scared s***less thinking that I was going to get raped or molested or something but thank God some girls were coming towards us and saw what was going on and immediately told one of the supervisors that patrolled the school.
After that the rumors died down for a while. Then of course the little incident happened where I accidentally touched a girl’s butt as she was walking by me during history class and the rumors popped up tenfold. With my luck, that girl whose butt I accidentally touched was friends with the girl I confessed to and **** went even more downhill from there.
With her friends as witnesses to the incident, the girl tried to get me in trouble for sexual harassment and they almost succeeded in getting me suspended if not expelled. I got called to the vice principal one day and was told that there were complaints made against me for sexual harassment and it was a real f***ing mess but luckily I was able to get those girls who saw those guys cornering me and the supervisor who caught them in the act to defend me by saying that I was the one being harassed by people for apparently being a lesbian and the vice principal caught on to what the girls were trying to do to me and I was let off the hook. The rumors still lingered throughout the rest of jr. high but by that time I had already become numb to them with all the crap that had already happened.
During that time I had my best friend who I've had a huge crush on for years (well, I think it's safe to say that it's become more than a crush by now...) and when I started to realize that I was developing feelings for her I tried to push her away in fear that I would grow to like her so much like I did that other girl and that when I finally couldn't hold it in any more and told her my feelings she would do what that girl did to me.
I know this girl well enough to know that she would never do such a thing, but I'm so traumatized from all that stuff that happened in jr. high that I will always have that underlying fear that I'll have to live all of that crap over again if I tell a girl that I like her.
So after A LOT of encouragement on my other friend's part, I decided to give my friend a call and tell her everything, from my coming out of the closet to what happened in jr. high and finally to how I felt about her and why I treated her the way I did all these years. I was so nervous and it took me a while to finally come out and say it. By the time I had started telling her about why I was such a lousy friend to her all these years I was in tears and had a hard time keeping myself under control but I eventually pulled through and in the end my friend was very understanding and cool with it and she even told me that it took a lot of ovaries to do what I did. Haha..
Well, I certainly feel a lot more confident in myself now that I finally took this other weight off my should after so many years. 6 years ago I never would have been able to do this kind of thing and that shows me just how much I've grown and for once I feel like I can be proud of myself.
Of course my friend doesn't feel the same way about me but I accept that and am happy enough to just have such an amazing friend like her in my life
Whew~ so that was my day. I'm still slightly shaking from the nerves I had during that phone call. I really need to change my shirt too because I was sweating like a prostitute in church -___-
Well.. just wanted to come here and vent that out. I have some homework to get to for my creative writing class so I'd better get to it!
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day everyone!