mildly guilty confessions thread.


Well-known member
I like to read about celebrities getting into accidents. I feel like it's good for them to know they are not invincible just because they are rich and famous.


Well-known member
I like me. I just feel that others don't like me and that must be why I'm alone and passed over, and it makes me wonder if I'm right to like me.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I threw rubbish out the car window once..once. How can something like that make me feel so crappy.
not this again.

I drink too much alcohol and take too many pills. Often both at the same time. Not always, but probably all too often. Don't tell anyone ;). My memory kinda sucks sometimes.


Active member
Games and Internet >>>>>>>>>>>> Writing :kickingmyself:

Also, I mentally killed a lot of people I don't like yesterday.....on DOOM. And I enjoyed every second of it.

Channeling your anger into virtual monsters is fun! :)
I leave exams really early having only answered just enough to pass not because I dont know the subject but because I can't abide to sit there one second longer than I absolutely have to


Well-known member
I often eat ice cream straight out of the container. Generally I am the only one in the house who eats it but I still feel guilty.


Well-known member
I imagine my boss getting explosive painful diarrhea. Not to kill her, just enough to make her miserable for a week. She's the most evil person I know. .
Eh what are ya talking about ....why is that a guilty confession..the 80s were the best decade for music

I don't know about the best. I'm partial to 70's and 90's stuff. It's just 80's music can sometimes be really corny with the synthesizers and dramatic sound to them, haha.

I imagine my boss getting explosive painful diarrhea. Not to kill her, just enough to make her miserable for a week. She's the most evil person I know. .

Hah. I've imagined worse. Far, far worse. I'm evil myself :p


Well-known member
my stepdad has his own private candy stash hidden in his office. he never offers to share with anyone.
i steal a chocolate bar every once in a while (or whatever type of candy that looks good)
When everyone is gone, I dig through the trash (not ALL of it, just the surface stuff) and pull out the recyclables and recycle them...

I sometimes do this in public places- I know, I am gross... and responsible.