Love here?.... what do you think it?


who wants find a couple in this place , and if maybe the couple is living in other place of the world , will do you try it just for love?


Well-known member
Heck, I dont mind meeting some here .. I feel that people here are openly accepting themselves and most of people here are expressing themselves openly makes me feel secure.. Away from the boundaries and the limits and the lies... But still love is an adventure and what doesn't kill makes you stronger..


Well-known member
Interpersonal unpleasantness? Now I'm intrigued.

One comes to SPW to read some threads, perhaps even reply.

*sound effect* You've been IMed! You were just minding your own business, then suddenly you're in the middle of the beginning of a conversation. Should you be friendly, even though the interaction will make your heart beat faster, make your palms sweat, and make you analyze every single thing you both type?

Oh, the horror!



Well-known member
It would cool if I met someone here and "fell in love". However, I don't think I'd move away for that reason.


Well-known member
I agree with everything Tiercel said. Unless it's a woman that I like, IMing me. For some reason I would never hate that.


Staff member


Well-known member
what doesn't kill makes you stronger..
<_< ...

I've tried dating long distance before. One from Florida, and one from Texas.
They both failed. But I really love the one from Flori. It took me a long time to get over her.
I say if the end goal of the long-distant relationship is to eventually meet up; then there's nothing wrong with it at all.

Yeah. I'd date someone from this site. I personally find shy girls adorable.
And I'd imagine females here being very open and whatnot, like Honda says. None of my girlfriends were actually shy (both Longdistant and ones in my personal life)..


I do find it easier to open up online. Guess it has something to do with not really having to look at the other person...the whole eye contact thing.


Well-known member
I suppose it's possible. Not sure if I could find someone here though because I'm often very negative which isn't very appealing to most.