Love here?.... what do you think it?



Eh...I'm not too optimistic about the long distance thing. It would require a ton of patience on both sides and I often question if a girl would stick with me if she met a man in real life that's within reach. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush you know. Plus it's very easy to have multiple "significant others" when there's no actual accountability which also makes me nervous. >.>;


Well-known member
Eh...I'm not too optimistic about the long distance thing. It would require a ton of patience on both sides and I often question if a girl would stick with me if she met a man in real life that's within reach. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush you know. Plus it's very easy to have multiple "significant others" when there's no actual accountability which also makes me nervous. >.>;

I was nervous about that too. That he would meet a great girl back home, one who was prettier, smarter, funnier, etc. Needless to say...he didn't, lol. He probably thought about the same things, me meeting another guy and dumping the long distance thing. Anyways...glad we stuck it out for that year.


Active member
I've been told I've become increasingly negative over the last few years, which is mainly why I'm here, trying to recapture the positive side. You're right, being negative is tough on relationships! Well, I don't know what you feel negative about, but I hope you find something here to help you see the good side of people!


Well-known member
on a serious note being in a bad relationship is worse than not being in a relationship at all , just saying , im not speaking for my self here im just saying .... i know people that are trapped in a relationship with no way out , and no one to turn to ....
^ Tienes razon - que lastima que eres un vato! Como me gustaria tener a una espanolita :eek:. Dios mio! Un dia..... un dia.... se me ara realidad :D


Well-known member
Love here? It's possible, but I'm not looking for it. I've done the long-distance thing many times and it always ends in epic fail. Sometimes it takes a while for the fail to hit you, though, so you're holding out hope for a while only to have it snuffed in the end. I really need to have a person physically present for a relationship to work -- otherwise too many false expectations get built up and when you do meet, the whole illusion shatters.


Well-known member
Love here? It's possible, but I'm not looking for it. I've done the long-distance thing many times and it always ends in epic fail. Sometimes it takes a while for the fail to hit you, though, so you're holding out hope for a while only to have it snuffed in the end. I really need to have a person physically present for a relationship to work -- otherwise too many false expectations get built up and when you do meet, the whole illusion shatters.
I second this..
I wouldnt mind it if they were at least close enough to visit.. Even if it would be only once a month or once every few weeks. I've dated people far away (Texas, and Flori. I'm in California). Both of those blew up in my face ::(: Plus, the first girl I've dated long distant took forever to get over. I think it was the one exception where I loved her enough to completely ignore not being physically with her, but still being a couple.


Well-known member
I wouldn't knock it, im not looking for love i never am but if i find i have a connection with someone where ever that place is i wouldn't deny it.

I've met people online anyways, so it isn't that much of a big deal.
I don't mind. It would be great in fact. So many thing we can talk about and so many thing we can teach each other. The problem is... long distant relationship is just too risky.


Well-known member
I don't mind. It would be great in fact. So many thing we can talk about and so many thing we can teach each other. The problem is... long distant relationship is just too risky.
I agree~
Except the risky part... What d' you mean by that?


Well-known member
Wouldn't mind a training partner for my next marathon. Ladies? Only those who can run 10km in under 40 minutes should apply. Honestly, I only come on this forum to unload some of load on my mind caused by anxiety.


Well-known member
One comes to SPW to read some threads, perhaps even reply.

*sound effect* You've been IMed! You were just minding your own business, then suddenly you're in the middle of the beginning of a conversation. Should you be friendly, even though the interaction will make your heart beat faster, make your palms sweat, and make you analyze every single thing you both type?

Oh, the horror!



Hahaha <3


I would be very cautious about dating someone with similar problems to me.I'm not completely closed off to the idea.Just I have dated people with similar problems to myself before and while it's nice to have someone who understands,it also comes with it's own set of problems.

I'm not sure if it would be proper of me to be dating people on here either with me being a mod,I mean if I met a girl I fell for head over heels,I wouldn't let it stop me but I would probably stop being a mod.


Well-known member
I saw a beautiful woman at the gym today. Perfect face, hair, tummy, breasts, butt...everything about her was just gorgeous...and she was wearing all black and a lime green undershirt...I was like...this girl was put here for me to dream of having a relationship with....

but I didn't talk to her...and I never will...