I want to know ten things about you.


1) ive always sucked horribly at everything containing math
2) im a vegetarian, a very hated species
3) i can get really bad laugh attacks :D
4) i like music and art
5) i love to watch and talk about movies
6) i love stupid humor!
7) my favorite animals are pigs!
8) i am TERRIFIED of snails and slugs
9) i really wish i had a brother to do dumb **** with (im a single child)
10) i have an ear to lend


Well-known member
1. People ask me if I'm anorexic, but I'm actually not. XD
2. I'm an only child.
3. I'm Filipino!
4. I study at this high school for free (scholarship thing, which I think I'm about to lose because of failing grades...)
5. I used to take ballet.
6. I drank my first beer when I was barely 2 years old.
7. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life.
8. I'm 16. Woop.
9. I don't celebrate birthdays because of some religion thing. ;D Or holidays, for that matter.
10. I swear a lot, especially in real life. TEEHEE


Well-known member
1) I love old cartoons and animated movies.
2) The genre of music I listen to the most is metal.
3) I could spend all day reading web comics or any comic for that matter.:rolleyes:
4) I'm pretty much a geek. I love operating on computers and taking apart other technology.
5) I want to major in Nutrition and Dietetics when I go to college.
6) I grew up in NJ for half my life.
7) I love cooking, drawing, photography, anything that let's me be creative. Except for playing an instrument or dancing. Never really got into that.
8) I hate playing most sports. The only few I like are football, hockey, volleyball, and badminton.
9) I get bored very easily and hate getting stuck in a rut.
10) I would also love to be a makeup artist and do model photography. Doubt that one will ever happen though. I'm pretty set on my other career.


Well-known member
1. Very shy
2. Loner
3. Friendly
4. Devoted Christian
5. Anime lover
6. Beatles Fanatic
7. Poet/songwriter
8. Loves cats
9. Love amusement parks/ loves all roller coasters
10. Twenty years old in May!
I can eat a large pizza by myself.
I'm lazy.
I'm scared of banks.
I love hats.
I have to be in my own bed to sleep.
I like to drive in silence.
I wish I was a lion.
I like to pick out mens clothes.
I cut my own hair.
I'm a dog person.


Well-known member
1. Love working out and running.
2. Love a variety of music.
3. Read lots of different books, crime fiction and history in particular.
4. Live in a fantasy world. If I could have a combination of personality traits, I would want King Leonida's courage, James Bond's confidence, Edward Norton's intelligence and Bruce Wayne's determination.
5. I would love to own my own home one day. A lifestyle block with a garage/gym, a vegetable patch and a place for two German Shepards ( Oscar and Bella) to run around.
6. Love animals.
7. Have great admiration for ancient races, in particular the Vikings and the Spartans.
8. Have never been on a date, or had a girlfriend. Only really want one to keep up with others. Not a good reason. .
9. Am highly neurotic and suffer from anxiety and depression.
10. Am slowly getting better, I would like to see where I am in five years. I have come a long way in the last five years. Five years ago, I couldn't drive and lived in a halfway house by choice, with criminals.


Well-known member
1)I have ocd and it has made my life very very difficult.
2)i am a daydreamer
3)i like singing though my voice is not that good but i like it for myself
4) i like to write-it can be anything, my thoughts,my feelings
5)i m moody and get bored easily
6)my strength is my belief in myself
7) i m very bad decision maker
8) i m unconventional and my thoughts many times oppose the views of society i live in
9) i m vegetarian and like spicy food,sometimes sweet too
10) i m a girl


Well-known member
1. I love my dog! He is always so happy and curious :D
2. I play guitar but not enough as I probably should!
3. I love the early morning hours. they're the best time of the day. Just chilling playing games,music,tv and films. Perfect
4.I'm a smoker and I wish that smoking didn't have any bad effects - I find it such a pleasure.
5.I love fashion. A lot of my friends have a joke about it calling me a metro heh
6. I went out last night and managed to come back without a hangover!
7. I want to be a scientist :cool:
8. I love going for jogs! Which is strange cause in the best I would never ever exercise. It is now a routine for me. Especially when it is dark raining and foggy! Get some good tunes and going for a jog is lovely.
9. I love sun! Sunny days are perfect. I feel like **** when I go outside and it's horrible weather.
10. I had a breakdown where I lost control of everything a few months ago but I'm recovering day by day!


Well-known member
1. Love music... Listen to Alternative Rock and Heavy Metal mostly.
2. Play Guitar but don't know any chords I just Jam.. Haha.
3. I'm tall... 6'3 to be exact.
4. Work in a Clothes shop.. Which Sucks.
5. Has a Big family... 2 brothers and 1 sister... I'm the outcast.
6. Play Xbox... But am slowly getting bored.
7. Love the Summer... I cope much better when I wake up to Sun.
8. I want to see the world.. Experience different countries.. One day eh?
9. Loves watching Friends (T.V programme)... Ross is my favourite.
10. Hmmm... Hates the way the world works.. And how Society treats people like us.

Nice thread.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
1. I really like shaved hair, it really turns me on when a chick has shaved hair and pulls it off right.

2. If I could go to one event in history I'd go to the 1980 olympics in Moscow.

3. My parents are divorced and they didnt tell me, I heard it from my brother-in-law 5 months after it happened.

4. I miss being 12 years old.

5. It never ceases to amaze me when I look at the sky at night and see the stars and think just how far away they are and how infinite space goes.

6. I'd like to speak at least three more languages some day. German has to be one of them.

7. I'm terrible with computers and electronics.

8. I want to join the army or marines some day.

9. I really like movies and anime. My dad will take me to the movies pretty often and we'll see some pretty cool stuff. I really like doing that.

10. I'd really like to own a vespa scooter some day. They really turn me on, so stylish, very handsome means of transportation.


1. I have a nape piercing
2. I love Harry Potter and hate Twilight more than words can express
3. Having read Wuthering Heights, I wish to live in the Yorkshire moorlands in the future
4. I am constantly on the hunt for the most perfect job for an SA person
5. I love Johnny Cash
6. I will be starting university this September
7. My hair is either red, black, purple or brown
8. I wish I was thinner
9. I am not on f***ing Facebook
10. My name is not Susan (couldn't think of anything else :confused:)



Well-known member
1. Unemployed
2. No friends
3. Nice guy
4. Socially anxious
5. Struggling to find a hobby that works for me
6. Republican
7. Likes sports
8. Realist
9. Weird yet down-to-earth at the same time
10. Has a desire to be happy


Well-known member
- I´m not the person I used to be (unfortunetely)
- Nowadays I still being a daydreamer but now without hope
- I go out with friends but not often now because I want to be alone
- I worry about the future
- I´m a perfectionist
- I don´t smoke neither drink alcohol
- I don´t like games
- I check my e-mail immediately after I wake up
- I love technology
- I wish I could go back in time


Well-known member
1. Recently started becoming into anime again
2. 5'11
3. Caffeine addict
4. Depressed because lonely and lonely because depressed
5. I'm going to learn how to play the piano this summer
6. I'm also going to learn how to skate
7. I expect today to be extremely empty and boring and lonely
8. Everyone tells me I have the best taste in music
9. I hate dubstep it doesnt deserve to be a genre. All you need to do is stretch out the bass
10. Sexists need some ****ing perspective.


Well-known member
1. I am short.
2. I am a humanist.
3. I have a strong interest in philosophy and liberal arts.
4. I write and perform music by ear.
5. I am massively independent.
6. I do not like leading but will do so if necessary.
7. I am very strict with myself but lenient and open-minded with others.
8. I enjoy casual friendly debates, exchanging ideas and perspectives.
9. I find it difficult to talk with others just for the sake of talking.
10. I believe someday is just around the corner, albeit a rather long one.


Well-known member
1. i love animals 2. i love to write 3. im sort of a tomboy (im a girl but im not wut u would call "girly") 4. i guess i have kind of a "dark" style, people hav called me emo or goth, but i dont label myself 5. i want to teach kindergarten someday 6. i love acting, drama class and theatre history 7. psychology and psychiatry fascinate me, i especially love learning about mental disorders and conditions, like synesthesia! 8. im smart but definately not nerdy 9. im really really really short (i wish i was tall) 10. i love horror movies and hate romance/chick flick movies


Well-known member
1) I'm a perfectionist.
2) I plan to major in chemical engineering.
3) I'm part Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino. I identify more with the Filipino aspect of my heritage, however.
4) I'm learning German and wish to visit Germany one day.
5) I've had a soft spot for birds, since the day I played with a Rufous Hornbill chick. Known locally as Kalaw, I fed him berries and pet him. He had beautiful blue eyes. This is how they appear as adults:


6) I'm always on the hunt for a good book.
7) I fell on a lit candle when I was 5. The scar didn't go away until I was 10.
8) My first crush ever was my Earth Science teacher in 8th grade.
9) I’m fascinated by the Sirens of Greek mythology.
10) My favorite cartoon character is Celty Sturluson.


Well-known member
1. I just recently became a veggie-tarian.
2. I have a thing for tall metal head dudes with long hair.
3. I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.
4. I'm 20 and in my final year of College.
5. I love to run @suicide pace.
6. If i could be granted one wish it would be to turn into a guy for one year.(if i like it perhaps ill stay)
7. i drink iced coffe @least once a day (Starbucks has turned into my financial ruin =()

8. The best experiences in my life have been performing spoken word poetry talking about my shyness experiences, and then getting pursued afterwards by ppl telling me theu enjoyed it =)
9. I wish i had a six-pack..one packs are pretty cool though right lol
10. I don't believe in love, marriage, god, relationships,


Well-known member
1. I watch too much T.V.

2. I like doing manual labor.

3. A man who I truly believe was a serial killer chased me and my friends in his truck when we were walking home one night

4. I wait until there is hardly any nail polish left on my toes, before I repaint them.

5. I am a nerd ; )

6. The only thing social I've done in several months is hang out with my little brother.

7. I am a dog person.

8. I love to swim, but haven't been in several years

9. I also like to tan even thought I know it's bad. ( haven't tanned this summer though b/c I am taking medicine for acne and can't be in the sun)

10. I am trying to quit smoking