Another 10:
1) I love comedy shows and movies.
2) Two of my favorite comedians are Jim Gaffigan and Jeff Davis.
3) I'm allergic to everything. (Heh, not really. Seems that way though.

But I do have a number of allergies.)
4) I have a
bit of an obsession of going organic and being very wary about where my food comes from.
5) I am quite anal about where my belongings are. I really don't like it when people just wander into my room and touch my stuff.
6) I look like I'm 12, even though I'm 18.
7) I'm naturally a blonde, but I dye my hair brown because I love being a brunette.
8) I've always been a very focused person. It takes quite a bit to distract me or even get my attention... and that's sometimes a bad thing.
9) Besides metal and post-hardcore music, I also love listening to indie, punk rock, hard rock, and some pop and acoustic.
10) I haven't done any drawing in months because I have no motivation nor hardly any creativity.

(Which also explains why I haven't even contributed to the 'Art Challenge' thread, which makes me feel bad.)