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  • Thanks! Yeah most churches have the same basic teachings. Just minor differences. Your right, in some, if they see someone new, they will come right up to you. I know they are just being friendly, but to someone with SA it's really annoying lol.
    I'm in the process of looking for a church. As you know it isn't easy with SA doing that. I'm looking into maybe Methodist, Presbyterian, non denominational Bible churches. I'm doing research.

    I was raised Catholic and I have some different views. If you have any ideas don't hesitate to send me a PM or visitor message. To talk religion or anything.
    Hey I don't think my messages are sending.... But I'm so so so amazed by your artwork I had to write it somewhere I knew no matter what you'd see it lol.... You have amazing talent seriously your artwork gave me chills... I love your mind... I don't even know you but I'm so interested by what I've seen!
    The 3D origami stars? Yeah sometimes those can be addicting. Which is good because it's best to make a lot of them.
    Hey sorry ive been rubbish at replying! Im not going to make excuses! :)
    I hope its not been such a bumby ride for you this week, and you have had no bombshells!
    Im not doing too bad thanks! :)
    Hmm. I don't hear much about Dracula, he seems to be stuffed away because he isn't the beautiful "Twilight like" vampire. :( Poor guy. I'm sure he is very nice. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too! May the worrying dissipate and the worm escape.
    Well worry wort, I really hope you don't worry too much because then the worm in the wart might escape...and then dracula might die. Wait? No. Nevermind.. that didn't make sense. What I came to say is HELLO!!! :-D <3
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