Uhm idk but.. I've always felt that virginity is something all of us has just one for every lifetime. Once you give it away and you lose it for good.
So I've always held back and believed it should only be given to The One as in, The One that I think is really meant for me ()
I mean, I wouldn't want to give it to some guy out there and turns out we're not meant to be :/
Besides, I think guys who say stuffs like "If you really love me, you would give it to me.." are bull**** lol
Well if a guy really loves you for who you are, he would respect you.
What in the world. "Once a lifetime"? Lol what is that? First, what makes you think you existed before or that you know the future and will have another life later? Second, why does it matter so much? There's a first for everything. Why does it have to be something that's remembered? Sure, you may remember a lot of firsts, but good or bad, it's an experience.
And yeah, any guy who says "if you really love me you'll give it to me" is a moron, because all guys want sex they would just never say that.
I think you're living in a fantasy. There is no "The One" (in caps). You live, you learn, you experience. The more you do, the more you're likely to find someone with more compatibility with you. But there's always more than one "the one" person for everyone. It's just that no one can travel and meet everyone in the entire world.
Also, sex and love can be two different things.
Live a little.