How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
I was 15... I've had sex with 4 different women and each time sucked. It will be a year in November since the last time I got laid, and I don't see me getting any in the near future.


Well-known member
still one n turning 24 in month. Ive started to reevaluate my beliefs about waiting for a person that'll love and care for me cause it doesn't seem like thats going to happen anytime soon. And i know men will say they love you just to get in ur pants, and i'd probably b naive enough to believe it and get hurt anyway. And i'm not embarrassed being a virgin, i just feel the NEED to lose it sometimes. I almost did lose it but when i was in that situation with a guy i knew didn't really care for me, although he was decent, i lost interest in going through with it because there was no emotional connection. It was purely a sexual rush and i didn't find it fulfilling enough or worth losing it at that time. i guess i'll just keep holding out for love anyway


Well-known member
still one n turning 24 in month. Ive started to reevaluate my beliefs about waiting for a person that'll love and care for me cause it doesn't seem like thats going to happen anytime soon. And i know men will say they love you just to get in ur pants, and i'd probably b naive enough to believe it and get hurt anyway. And i'm not embarrassed being a virgin, i just feel the NEED to lose it sometimes. I almost did lose it but when i was in that situation with a guy i knew didn't really care for me, although he was decent, i lost interest in going through with it because there was no emotional connection. It was purely a sexual rush and i didn't find it fulfilling enough or worth losing it at that time. i guess i'll just keep holding out for love anyway

At your age, I don't think a person who loves you for who you are will be bothered by the fact that you're a virgin. The fact that you did have the chance to lose it, but chose not to because of the lack of emotional connection, shows that you at least have willpower.
The problem today is people make it out to be a bad thing being a virgin. And alot of people have sex so that they don't feel left out and embarrassed. The problem is people like this make lots of stupid mistakes. Its nobodies business whether you are a virgin or not. I don't even understand the point of this thread anyways and how its relevant to social phobia.

Threads like these are pity pots for people who act like being a virgin is somebody elses fault.
At your age, I don't think a person who loves you for who you are will be bothered by the fact that you're a virgin. The fact that you did have the chance to lose it, but chose not to because of the lack of emotional connection, shows that you at least have willpower.

I agree. I would rather be with a person who has this kind of willpower rather than an idiot who gave into pressure all to be accepted. Alot of poeple don't understand that later in life when you find out your partner slept around alot, or they already have several kids, its a big turn off. To stay a virgin in this society for so long is great willpower and strength, only if its choice. Lots of people whine about being a virgin like its a bad thing, their minds are in the wrong place. And when these people finally lose it, they wont even enjoy it, wont even be as good as they thought.


Well-known member
i've never been that interested in actual full on sex because i just think its something that would happen when the feeling is right and its never felt right at all ..the whole process itself takes alot of confidence to engage in and i've always preferred kissing and snuggling up over getting naked and doing the deed. but i think its because i'm a bit nerdy and i'm not really that self assured physically speaking. so i prefer to avoid it because i feel a bit awkward having to do THAT.

i dont think there is anything wrong with being a virgin or not being interested in it at all. i also believe that people who are sexually confident are the ones who will obviously get together and do it over those who really just feel indifferent to it. i actually find the idea of full on sex a bit disgusting, i mean the actual process of the genitals etc doesnt interest me all that much but i really enjoy making out and the touching side of it ....

yeh so thats probably a bit too much detail but i didnt know any better way of explaining it.


Well-known member
I was 15 when I had my first kiss, lost my virginity and everything else. It all happened in the same year with my first boyfriend. We were together for a total of 3 years but are no longer in a relationship.


Active member
Haven't lost it and I'm 24. It's by choice, and even if I wanted to I can't. But I view losing virginity in a different way. It's not as if you transform into something else, it's just peer pressure and corrupt media. And that makes me SICK!


Well-known member
Haven't lost it and I'm 24. It's by choice, and even if I wanted to I can't. But I view losing virginity in a different way. It's not as if you transform into something else, it's just peer pressure and corrupt media. And that makes me SICK!

According to MTV and high school movies, I (who live with my parents and don't have a job) am way cooler than any virgin with his own house, a stable job and a sports car--because I've had sex. :cool:


Active member
According to MTV and high school movies, I (who live with my parents and don't have a job) am way cooler than any virgin with his own house, a stable job and a sports car--because I've had sex. :cool:

Yeah it's really weird, why does the media pressure the young people to have sex? What exactly is the goal of that? It will only grieve people of all generations, because this kind of media has the probabilty of worsen per generation.


Yeah it's really weird, why does the media pressure the young people to have sex? What exactly is the goal of that? It will only grieve people of all generations, because this kind of media has the probabilty of worsen per generation.

I honestly don't think they really care if people are having sex or not. I think it's because they know that sex is one of the few things that just about every living human has at least some interest in, and because of that it sales things. And the best age group to target is teens because that's when people become interested in sex. So here comes the opportunity to sale the latest music video, movie, sexy new outfit ect. If they started telling people to wait for love or marriage they would have to work extra hard trying to find things to market to people. I dunno, I think I'm just rambling now lol.