How old were you when you lost your virginity?


I wish I was a virgin. Due to being unable to chat to girls I'm attracted to, the only girls I sleep with are the ones that approach me always being overweight, unhygienic, mental and sometimes all of the above.

My last girlfriend just won't leave me despite telling her many times it's over and she uses my need for sex against me. I slept with her many times but never kissed her because she has bad breath and won't do anything about it because she doesn't like toothpaste, mouthwash and flossing. It's a horrible experience shutting my eyes and pretending shes someone else, then leaving for the long drive home and then scrubbing myself in the shower for an hour.

Maybe the above might portray may as a horrible person for not looking past a person's bad points, I don't know. Really nice being able to get that off my chest.


Well-known member
I wish I was a virgin. Due to being unable to chat to girls I'm attracted to, the only girls I sleep with are the ones that approach me always being overweight, unhygienic, mental and sometimes all of the above.

My last girlfriend just won't leave me despite telling her many times it's over and she uses my need for sex against me. I slept with her many times but never kissed her because she has bad breath and won't do anything about it because she doesn't like toothpaste, mouthwash and flossing. It's a horrible experience shutting my eyes and pretending shes someone else, then leaving for the long drive home and then scrubbing myself in the shower for an hour.

Maybe the above might portray may as a horrible person for not looking past a person's bad points, I don't know. Really nice being able to get that off my chest.

Now that doesn't sound very magical.

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles - sounds like a good reason to work on overcoming your anxiety issues. Good Luck!


Well-known member
I wish I was a virgin. Due to being unable to chat to girls I'm attracted to, the only girls I sleep with are the ones that approach me always being overweight, unhygienic, mental and sometimes all of the above.

My last girlfriend just won't leave me despite telling her many times it's over and she uses my need for sex against me. I slept with her many times but never kissed her because she has bad breath and won't do anything about it because she doesn't like toothpaste, mouthwash and flossing. It's a horrible experience shutting my eyes and pretending shes someone else, then leaving for the long drive home and then scrubbing myself in the shower for an hour.

Maybe the above might portray may as a horrible person for not looking past a person's bad points, I don't know. Really nice being able to get that off my chest.

Assert yourself; put your foot down and make sure 'no' really means 'no'. Don't let her have any power over you just because sex feels good.


Well-known member
Not nearly as bad as having someone in real life ask you if you're a virgin when you are. Especially if it's a girl, and especially if they already know or strongly suspect you are and just want to see you squirm. Not that that ever happened to me in high school or anything...:mad:

That happened many times with me. Most of the times it was just like in the movie 'The Forty Year Old Virgin' with all the guys sitting around talking about how their past sexual encounters were and how good the female bodies all felt etc... Then when the conversation would get to me, I was like speechless and then everyone started harassing me about being a virgin at my age and such... If they all had as much fear as I do, they all would be virgins too...


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
That happened many times with me. Most of the times it was just like in the movie 'The Forty Year Old Virgin' with all the guys sitting around talking about how their past sexual encounters were and how good the female bodies all felt etc... Then when the conversation would get to me, I was like speechless and then everyone started harassing me about being a virgin at my age and such... If they all had as much fear as I do, they all would be virgins too...
Yeah, it's sad, but guys do get looked down on and laughed at for being virgins. By both men and women. Not all men or women, but more than enough to make it really suck.

When I read the thread about being less anxious if you had sex, basically I guess it's 'yeah, less anxious about people asking me if I'm a virgin'. :rolleyes:


i think that loosing your virginity at a young age is not something that a person should try to accomplish. but rather a person should want to loose their virginity to someone they truly love.


Well-known member
I'm 26 and I'm still a virgin. I'd still like to wait until I find the right girl though. I'd have to know that I'll be with that gal a long time and we both are in love. I'm proud of who I am, sometimes I get worried though when I'll meet her.


Well-known member
i think that loosing your virginity at a young age is not something that a person should try to accomplish. but rather a person should want to loose their virginity to someone they truly love.

In many cultures, that's not an option today.


Well-known member
What isn't an option?

Thanks to MTV, high school movies and stuff like that, telling someone that you're a virgin after the age of 18 is basically like telling them you have AIDS. I have yet to meet the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, but when that happens, I'm not going to be rejected for being a virgin.


Well-known member
Thanks to MTV, high school movies and stuff like that, telling someone that you're a virgin after the age of 18 is basically like telling them you have AIDS. I have yet to meet the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, but when that happens, I'm not going to be rejected for being a virgin.

ok i think i know what you mean now. but i think telling someone you have aids would get a worse reaction than telling them you're a virgin. :)


Thanks to MTV, high school movies and stuff like that, telling someone that you're a virgin after the age of 18 is basically like telling them you have AIDS. I have yet to meet the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, but when that happens, I'm not going to be rejected for being a virgin.

Yeah, the media has definitely changed things since my parents were teenagers.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Thanks to MTV, high school movies and stuff like that, telling someone that you're a virgin after the age of 18 is basically like telling them you have AIDS. I have yet to meet the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, but when that happens, I'm not going to be rejected for being a virgin.

If you were to meet someone, and thought they were the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and they rejected you over something as ridiculous as being a virgin, wouldn't you want to re-evaluate your opinion about whether they were really someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?


Well-known member
I was 17

It was long
I cramped
and just when I thought things were going to go my way
nothing happened