How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
I didnt realize this was a contest to see whos social anxiety is worse? I have social anxiety that has screwed my life up and I have still had a few relationships.
It's not a contest, but I know my anxiety is so bad that a relationship is out of the question. I just wonder why I'm "different" than most people, even other anxiety sufferers.


It's not a contest, but I know my anxiety is so bad that a relationship is out of the question. I just wonder why I'm "different" than most people, even other anxiety sufferers.

I think its just annoys people when people think you cant be as ill as them because your in a relationship or it cures all your not saying thats what your asuming btw.

Im housbound,chronic depression and anxiety ect ect A while ago i wouldnt of said i was well enough for a relationship.But i got lucky and found someone who can put up with my baggage.

I sometimes wonder how some people manage to work or go on holidays,because thats somthing i feel i couldnt possibly do because of my anxiety,but that doesnt mean to say there not as ill as me,i guess we all deal with it differently and it affects us differently :)


Well-known member
Kissing/makeout @ 13 <><> Virginity @ 15 or 16 I forget.

Whoever hasn't isn't missing out on anything that amazing. The exact moment you "finish" you always realize that you just made the biggest mistake of your life... again.

+ If you experince love, or what you think may be love. Its 14-0=3204-=359230 times better, it really is unexplainable.


Is that really surprising? They probably go to bed at night and touch themselves at the thought of having spoken to a girl on the microphone. It's the closest thing those nerds have to being close to a girl.

Yeah because any guy who's a online gamer must be a socialy awkward "nerd"...whos never touched a girl.

Sorry for being an ass but i just hate seeing people stereo-typing like this.Stereo typing is why we have idiots today thinking that we can just snap out of our depression and why mental health issues is still a stigma to carry around.


Well-known member
Is that really surprising? They probably go to bed at night and touch themselves at the thought of having spoken to a girl on the microphone. It's the closest thing those nerds have to being close to a girl.

Haha, lets be fair here...

Your comparison to them is a lot like my comparison to you.

Similar in the way that it's an unfair generalization. Yet still different in the way that I'm not cruel enough to compare my life to yours.

Feel secure in knowing I wont crush your "E-value", but remember its boundaries. Haha.
Illusions are easily broken.
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New member
If you haven't yet, you can state your current age if you want.

I'm 22 and will be turning 23 very soon. I'm still a virgin. I'm not totally romantically retarded, however. I had my first kiss when I was 19 from a girl who added me on MySpace. I wanted to be her boyfriend but she became quickly disinterested.

Since then, I've had a few flings, including one night where I made out with a girl I just met on the grass in the middle of a Berkeley neighborhood. However, I haven't gotten laid and this gives me quite a bit of anxiety, which is ironic when the primary reason I haven't gotten laid is because of my anxiety.

As a little kid, I was actually really forward with girls. I saw my first vagina in second grade when I asked a girl to show me hers. However, alot of problems with other kids over the years enforced alot of heavy social anxiety. I still have trouble trusting anyone and assume most of the time that people are lying.

My best friend for years was a guy who is sex obsessed. He lost his at 14 and chases tail like it's an addiction. He recently told me he got an STD. A girl that I recently fell in love told me she lost hers when she was forced to sleep with a guy and she wasn't able to be in a relationship after that. I imagine experiencing a big deal of disappointment, but part of me still wants to obtain the normalcy and acceptance of sex.


Well-known member
Haha, lets be fair here...

Your comparison to them is a lot like my comparison to you.

Similar in the way that it's an unfair generalization. Yet still different in the way that I'm not cruel enough to compare my life to yours.

Feel secure in knowing I wont crush your "E-value", but remember its boundaries. Haha.
Illusions are easily broken.

To be fair, Sacrament is awesome.


Active member
Lost it when I was 16, had it about 5 times since (im 23 now). Each time the girl had to ask for it cos I cant even say the word 'sex' around a girl. Being shy and introverted isn't exactly catnip to girls.


Well-known member
Haha, lets be fair here...

Your comparison to them is a lot like my comparison to you.

Similar in the way that it's an unfair generalization. Yet still different in the way that I'm not cruel enough to compare my life to yours.

Feel secure in knowing I wont crush your "E-value", but remember its boundaries. Haha.
Illusions are easily broken.

It's my experience with this kind of thing. Back when I was more of a gamer and was part of online clans, the other guys would go berserk when a girl was around, doing things they normally wouldn't do just to impress her and so forth. Also, they'd constantly try to be funny and whenever she'd give the smallest hint of laughter, it would make their day.

Thus my comment. And of course, I confess it was a generalization, but it's usually how it goes when it comes to male/female interaction and online gaming.


Well-known member
I'm really more surprised that she showed him than that he asked. If I was in 2nd grade, I would totally be jealous.

When I was 8 or 9 I got a neighborhood girl to show me hers. It was totally just curiosity and I didn't understand at all what I was looking at :confused:


Well-known member
^ Masturbation is 90% of sex in my opinion. You're not really missing much. It's better to be a virgin than not to have a hand or foot or something.


Well-known member
Lost it when i was 18. Worst sex possible IMO though i've had no other experiences. Been on a four year dry spell since.


Well-known member
i was 14 or 15.. 15 i think.

sex is sh!tty until you can be totally secure with yourself, so for everyone who is still a virgin and self conscious, you're not missing out, it's not going to help your ego or anything, heh..


Well-known member
why the "heh"?

Sex does help kick the ego in its behind. It does give a slight boost in confidence for dealing with daily life. Long droughts without sex can kinda affect moods and facial expressions and all kinds of things. But I'm trying to say that the actual act of sex, is 10% better than masturbation.