How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well, I'm not obsessed with it. I'm not a try hard. I'm just saying, it's something I'd like to try out before I die!
It does get to me sometimes when I see people say things like
"If you're older than 18 and a virgin then you're pathetic."
I mean yes, that's incredibley arrogant and immature, but in a way it still gets to me.
Also when I told it to me friend he was just all; "What.. Really? I mean.. You've never done.. it?" "But you're in college man get some"
Etc. It's become a very social thing. So it's kind of hard not to be at least somewhat self-concious about it

If possible, try to find a context, an environment or group of friends who don't judge you on your lack of sexual experience. Avoid people who reinforce any negative feelings you have about yourself too. People like here for instance on SPW. Try to find similar friends in RL.


Well-known member
I am 27 and lost my virginity about a month and a half ago. I discussed it on here in the online dating thread.

To the people who I came across in my life and told me that getting laid will make me confident and normal........guess what? I'm the same person I was before I got laid. I still don't like being around people and am still awkward. Thanks for the advice.

I don't regret losing it at all, though. I had to know what it felt like. The mystery was killing me. Now I know, and I feel better about it.

That's the thing, the only thing it's going to cure is curiosity about how sex feels like and that you are in the ''no longer a virgin'' brigade.

I am a virgin but it's not the virginity thta sucks, it's the fact that i am incapable of getting to know a woman to have any kind of relationship with her.


Well-known member
That's the thing, the only thing it's going to cure is curiosity about how sex feels like and that you are in the ''no longer a virgin'' brigade.

I am a virgin but it's not the virginity thta sucks, it's the fact that i am incapable of getting to know a woman to have any kind of relationship with her.

I'd agree with that ^


Active member
When I was 19, with some random girl on the floor of my friends house. I was trying to hang on for like a girlfriend or something but, peer pressure from my jerk friends got the best of me.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm 21 and I've never even had a proper crush.

Just thinking about hugging a guy makes me feel uncomfortable so I have a long way to go if I'm ever going to do any virginity-losing. ::p:

I debate with myself from time to time if losing my virginity is important to me or not. It seems like some sort of important "milestone" for becoming a well rounded person who's experienced the many things life has to offer, but then again it would be a heck of a lot of work for me to actually get there so I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

I guess I'm just going to play it by ear and try to keep myself open to experiencing new things, like establishing a close/romantic relationship with someone, and see what happens. :)

I can relate there. Only from a male perspective.
21 still a virgin, think i always will be, i hate it when other people talk about sexual experiences i cant join in, i could make stuff up but that doesnt feel right either so i just end up standing there while everyone else talks about people they have slept with.


Well-known member
i hate it when other people talk about sexual experiences i cant join in, i could make stuff up but that doesnt feel right either
Yeah, I hate it, too. Once people were talking about their first sexual experience and I realised I had to get the hell out of there. Luckily I was at work so I just left to do more of it.


Well-known member
I do a little bit, it was the most awkward experience ever. But I guess I was just happy to have it over and done with. lol.
Even if you waited for a girlfriend, it still would've been awkward and scary, but now the mystery is gone and you can be less nervous now. :)

marwan kamel

Active member
i am 24 and still a virgin
the problem is in our culture sex is only after marriage and marriage of course is a great deal for someone with social anxiety because i cant handle this kind of responsibility
most of my friends and colleagues are married or engaged now and i think when i reach 30 i will be the only one single and people will start to judge why i am still single and if somthing is wrong with me
so i think i will be a virgin forever or who knows oneday may be things will get better :)


Well-known member
i am 24 and still a virgin
the problem is in our culture sex is only after marriage and marriage of course is a great deal for someone with social anxiety because i cant handle this kind of responsibility
most of my friends and colleagues are married or engaged now and i think when i reach 30 i will be the only one single and people will start to judge why i am still single and if somthing is wrong with me
so i think i will be a virgin forever or who knows oneday may be things will get better :)

What is you nationality/religion?


Well-known member
That's the thing, the only thing it's going to cure is curiosity about how sex feels like and that you are in the ''no longer a virgin'' brigade.

I am a virgin but it's not the virginity thta sucks, it's the fact that i am incapable of getting to know a woman to have any kind of relationship with her.

I totally get what you mean. That relationship thing is nice. We seek approval from the opposite sex, whether we like it or not.

I guess I'd already dated a woman for a month and a half when I was 20, so I just wanted to get the sex thing over with after that. It took 7 years, lol, but it finally happened.

I'm shy so I do online dating and have managed to meet women through that. Me and SM recommend online dating to all the guys on here. Approaching women at bars and parties is a lot tougher than shooting her a message over a computer.


Well-known member
I just turned 20 and I wonder when will that day come :(
Don't worry about it!
It's simply a title...or the loss of one I guess(Virgin)

Sex is easy to come(giggity) by these days.
It can be bought.....cheaply.
Does something that can be bought cheaply in a back alley in a grimy part of town if necessary...sound like something that should be worried about too much?
Something to be sad about not having experienced?

It's happening around the world every second of every day.
It's not some unique experience that needs to be raced to.

People who have done it and look down on people...they act as if they reached some higher level of enlightenment...Or another level of existence.
By doing something that man and beast has been doing since the the beginning of time.

You don't receive a diploma.
There's no award ceremony.

It's no more important of a transition of titles than the one of having never tried weed>Having tried weed.

This isn't all directed at YOU,
Stuff like this just tends to send me off on rants.heh

Not saying that sex is bad.
Just that it shouldn't have such a fuss made about it as alot of people seem to.
Both virgins and non-virgins
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