how often you go through the day not getting a phone call or text msg?


Well-known member
i received 13 emails just this morning

i am now prepared to reconnect with former classmates, study online to become a nurse, meet women in my area, trace my family tree, and enlarge my penis
You may want enlarger your penis before meeting women in your area.


99% of my emails are from FB notifications, university stuff or spam. Nobody actually emails me, or replies my emails :/


Well-known member
i used to get lots of it when i still haven't cut communication with my friends. they used to contact me often, but i hadn't been replying much. they eventually got tired and stopped. the most interaction i get with them nowadays is through fb.
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Well-known member
i received 13 emails just this morning

i am now prepared to reconnect with former classmates, study online to become a nurse, meet women in my area, trace my family tree, and enlarge my penis
Sounds legit.


Well-known member
I think another question would be: How often do you go days without receiving a single email?

Most days I don't even get junkmail.
I my be emailed by an actual person once every 4 months-- and it's my sister, emailing me to as if I'm alive so that she doesn't have to call and talk to our mom.
Would you like an email? :)


Well-known member
My contacts list is pretty empty. I have one o'r two people whom i text. My mobile phone is mainly for emergency use. I usuallu have nothing interesting to say anywya.

I find it depressing when i recieve a message only to find it's from my network.


Well-known member
I go some days without a text, some days my phone gets blown up. Seems to be pretty random.


Well-known member
I take my phone out just to look busy in an awkward situation more often than I actually use it as a phone. My mom calls me almost everyday after I get out of work and that's about it. Once in a great while, I'll get a text from my sister.


Well-known member
If I don't get a text tonight, I will not have gotten a text for the last two days. A friend of mine was saying we should do lunch two days ago. I guess not.


Well-known member
I've gone almost a week before without getting any calls or text messages. Now though, some days I go without a single call or text, but between carpooling with a friend to school, waiting between classes, and arranging my schedule with my family, some days get busier than others.
My mum calls about once a week.
I only get reminder text msgs from the job agency. My phone is only for emergencies.

I dread having to ring the phone company up with a problem with my account/bill or phone because they have your phone history on the screen in front of them so they can see how little my phone actually is used. It's so embarrassing.::(:


Well-known member
I get often texts, but they are usually from the college or bank haha,, and I really don't get phone calls that often because most of my conversation go through like msn or fb chat.


Well-known member
the phone drives me nuts my family call but there's always risk of telemarketers other than that no one sort of how I like it though.


Active member
All these people on my phone and i wont get a call or text for months. I have to be the one to actually send a text out. And sometimes, the person wont ever respond back.
The people i see in the histories is my mother and my job (usually calling me to come in to work)...

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I use my cell phone for work and the company pays for it.

I get some texts from friends but rarely make phone calls.

One thing I hate is that all the managers at my work have an iPhone and expected to have one too. I tried it and I just hate it. Can't wait to go back to an Android phone or a blackberry.


Well-known member
i text most of the day. only text my boyfriend though. and the only person who calls is my boyfriend or my mom, and thats rare


My entire life, I dont own a cellphone. It kinda amazes me how many people on here actually own cellphones, Ive never had one because I dont have a circle of friends big enough.

Yep. I had a time in the '90s with a folding StarTAC. This desire soon evaporated, until a Nokia company phone was required, by my telecomms giant. Being everywhere, all the time, is not exciting for me. I'm glad I missed being born in the 2000s, when it's an essential glamour tool, to show to others.

You've got to be aware of what you get, and why you want it. I wouldn't mind a Porsche 911 GT3, but a piece of plastic held against your ear is not a must-have.