how often you go through the day not getting a phone call or text msg?


Well-known member
I don't text anybody, except my work supervisor from time to time. And mum whenever she and dad go on holiday. I have no friends, so nobody to text.


Well-known member
i have 1 reliable texting buddy that i can send BS texts to about this or that, a few times a day, but they're lame conversations for the most part. back in 09 i had a period of like 4 to 5 months with no texts/calls except this one chick i used to hang out with (maybe it was dating? probly not::(:.) she sent me two texts, each of them an accidental miss-text aimed at her new bf (probably.) i didn't respond.


New member
I get phone calls from doctors' offices and...well, that's pretty much it. Nobody texts me except my mom, who sends me photos of my cats.

My cell phone is just a portable Facebooking device. And I don't even know why I still compulsively check Facebook. Nobody interacts with me except the tiny handful of kind souls (mostly family) who occasionally "like" my posts.
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Well-known member
I have to post an update, I rceived a phone call last week, from a female who wanted to talk to me. I texted her after midnight, and she phoned me because she had free minutes available for after midnight calls.


Well-known member
Pretty often! Sometimes I'll get a text or so from a friend who's bored... But those are usually really lame convo's. I don't even get sales calls any more (thankfully).
And usually I don't answer the phone if the number isn't on my contact list... Lame I know, but there are certain people I need to avoid who used to use several numbers to call me. So I'm a bit paranoid about that now.