how often you go through the day not getting a phone call or text msg?


Well-known member
I text with my bf all the time and I get calls from him and my mom. If I get texts from someone else it's usually about school related stuff.


Active member
I use my phone to play games and listen to music..
It has got no other use ::(:

edit: Oh and I get a lot of advertising messages daily :D
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Well-known member
I have not head a phone call or a text in about... 8 days ::(: but I did have one this morning :D yay lol I feel unloved ::(:
My gf texts me or online friends (i dont have too many real friends what would be considered ''real life friends'') but she whatsapps me everyday that makes me feel special :).

though sometimes i miss ''real friends'' but hey, i can't help it , it's not something i wished for. but it happens. life can suck , but still its precious even though i dont have any. it might bother, but i can still do lots of stuff what i want alone and on the web.


Well-known member
The only calls I ever get are from my mom and grandma and I never get text messages. I seem to use my phone for everything but calling or texting people, but instead use it as my main music player, read e-books, etc.


Active member
I receive text all the time. But from... hmmm... 3 years ago to this day, they were all sent by the cellphone company.
Sometimes i receive one at night and I hope that is a friend, but no... never.
I have a 4 year old cellphone, I use just to wake up.

It is really sad, and I am not joking.


Every day.
I hadn't gotten a text message or phone call for 3 years-- which is why I don't bother to top my phone up anymore. No reason to since 911 calls are free and that's all I would ever need it for.

Home phone?
I get calls all the time! Just from doctors.
Probably 2-3 times/week.

When I didn't live with family, I would get a phone call every 3 weeks or so and no messages.

a cell machine is crucial when doing things with people. It's natural to leave the machine in the past, when you're not a celebrity. My different kind of celebrity status is neverending anonymous recruiter calls. That did by far the most damage to me. Home and cell anonymous calls simultaneously felt like a growing tumour; a method to find out the reaction under pressure, putting me on a worldWide blacklist web :D


I think another question would be: How often do you go days without receiving a single email?

Most days I don't even get junkmail.
I my be emailed by an actual person once every 4 months-- and it's my sister, emailing me to as if I'm alive so that she doesn't have to call and talk to our mom.

Whoah! I usually get out of hospital with ~ 3,000 emails waiting for an answer. I'm glad that's now reduced to just 476, after all my hard work ::(:

A mum who never had any cellphone, or an email address, and has not been vertical since 2006. I'd like to make her laugh again today :)


I'm a fan of Broadband Skype, worldwide, to hear in crystal clear hi-fi quality from others (amplified floorstanding machines) putting palm plastic squeaky noises to shame
alongside fullscreen video

Good for those who feel lost. Don't see it is an impossible challenge :confused:
:eek: :rolleyes: :cool:


Well-known member
It's a free messenging system, but the best thing is it's free between ANY phone, even ones overseas. I use it to message my friends in Asia - you can also send photos etc for free too.
I like it because its more personal than Facebook and I can do it whilst on-the-go.

Yep - completely free. So essentially you can be 'texting' anyone anywhere in the world without worrying about needing to be behind a computer, or with internet access (it works off 3g)
Wow, I'm so downloading this app! Thanks for the heads-up, twiggle. I can text you, then! :D


Well-known member
I can relate to that.It seems that in life there are people who are doers and they will make the first move in regards to phone calls,deciding what activities to do.There is a second group of people who are happy to go with the flow and do not initiate anything.I class myself as a member of the first group.Im a dooer. The way I see it if you are always iniating phone calls,etc then that could indicate problems in the relationships.If you are not getting out as much as you are putting in then,that problem has to be spoken about with the person involved.