How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Shaky. Kinda nauseous. Had my job interview. I did my best. I think I did well, but I know I didn't answer one question correctly. It was a long and hard question, based on material that I haven't even view in over a year. Do you know how hard it is to answer questions based on the field you studied if you haven't put any of that knowledge to work in over a year? I stumbled a few times, I was getting so nervous since it was an interview with three other people over video conference. Ugh, I want to throw up.

If I don't get this job, I guess I'm not even going to sweat it. I want it, sure, but if I don't get it I never lost anything to begin with. And if I don't get this job, I'm not even going to bother using my degree or looking for jobs in my field anymore. It will be wasted, but what else am I supposed to do? My field is a crapshoot, and so badly do I wish college gives you that wake-up call, but it doesn't. Oh well. I dug my own hole doing this, time to find a new outlet if this doesn't work out.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I'm dragging my butt because I have to go mow grass again. I dread the heat.

On the plus-side, the neighbors haven't been as nosy ever since I pointed the weed eater in their direction and revved it like Leatherface. :LOL:

Also, I'm about to pull the trigger on some new shades:


A little colorful for me, but what the heck. I'm consciously operating under the delusion that the blue will make things less hot. :cool:


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Well, I cut the front yard (this is with a non-propelled push-mower) and the heat was a blistering one-hundred degrees. When I went around to the back, the neighbor's son came jogging over and offered to cut it in the morning with their riding lawnmower. I tried to tell him that I don't mind doing it, but that's the thing about southerners, they're so polite that it's almost impossible to say no.

So I said, "Okay, you can cut the back." and told him I'd pay him something (where that's going to come from, I don't know) and of course, he said that wasn't necessary. But I can't let him do it for nothing. Soooo now I've gone from push-mowing a large property in hellish conditions because I'm too phobic to take the riding lawnmower to the shop, to now push-mowing just the front yard in hellish conditions and paying the neighbor's kid to mow the back with money I don't have because I'm too phobic to be firm with others.

So I'm feeling pretty crappy about all that AND the fact that this 15-year old kid is already light-years ahead of me when it comes to communicating and dealing with people. His roots are set and he's steadily becoming a respectable man.

So it goes.

Thanks, Avoidant Personality Disorder, you're a dear, dear, friend. :rolleyes:
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Tired... ah spent all day restoring my laptop after crashed for, like, the 4th time this year. So ah wus'nae aw too happy aboot that, tae be honest.

Aside from that, am a wee nervous, because I'm thinking about uploading a video of myself playing ma guitar onto Facebook. o_O


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Wear a COVID mask, it'll take edge off. ;)

Whit?! :oops: An' cover up ma handsome face?! Ah think not, sir ! :LOL::cool:

Besides, it's no ma looks that am nervous about, anyway. More how being filmed will affect my guitar playing. Since the last time my oldest sister filmed a clip of me, which she was going upload to her Facebook page, it was bloody awful. And ah telt her not to upload, because it wus'nae my best.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, I've finally forced myself back intae ma old daily routine, a few months o' feeling depressed about being stuck in the house more than usual. Guess ah hud to do that, eventually.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Not too bad today. I'm a wee frustrated that my mother isn't motivated as me to things tidied out, but that might just be because I've planned out what I want to do with my room once there's more space for things.

I'm enjoying Facebook more than ah thought I would, really. Kinda glad ah didnae use it as frequently when my account was forced upon me by my older siblings over 10 years ago. Because now I have reason to actually be on there, what with me making my own music. Though, mainly most of my posts are just daft silly jokes. Puns mostly.
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