I've had a hard time all my life Graeme. Although I can't say I've faced the exact same reasons (like a disability) the end result I'm sure is pretty similar, if not the same. I think in many ways our struggles and problems are the only thing all humans can truly relate to. In many ways I think life is meant to be a struggle. We just struggle in different things and in different ways. Maybe the only way to escape our own troubles is to help someone else out with theirs. That may be the only way to have a united world since problems seemingly don't discriminate. I'm sure there are people who understand and empathize, but we're all so focussed on solving our own problems before we acknowledge anyone elses. That's the great problem with the world, I think. We're all too disconnected and divided. We think it's below ourselves to be helpful to one another.
Know that life is tough and we all get our resolve to stick it out, tested. Maybe how we deal with life's challenges is what sets us apart, rather than living a problem free life. I hope you found that encouraging![]()
And thank heavens I didn't try to write that in Scottish!
So anxious I feel like I'm going to puke![]()
Angry. Very, very angry.
I am going to explode soon.
Need to exercise to get rid of the furious tension, but I am too exhausted to move. :sad:
What happened?
I had a gynecology appointment yesterday - I had to get my IUD replaced. It's always so embarrassing just sitting up there naked and spread eagle with some random chick's hand digging around in your cave of wonders. Not to mention she had to have her assistant in there too - it's just extremely embarrassing/awkward and I couldn't imagine being pregnant.
I had a gynecology appointment yesterday - I had to get my IUD replaced. It's always so embarrassing just sitting up there naked and spread eagle with some random chick's hand digging around in your cave of wonders. Not to mention she had to have her assistant in there too - it's just extremely embarrassing/awkward and I couldn't imagine being pregnant.
Ugh. Yes... that is definitely uncomfortable. For some reason though... I feel worse when its a lady. The last time I went, it was a male doctor and his assistant and they were discussing sports. I found comfort in the fact that they didn't care.
It always helps to eat a brownie sundae afterwards. At least it's helped me feel better. Hehe
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
I'm disgusting. My life is a wreck. I have no one.
I want to hurt. I just spent several minutes hitting myself in the face. It wasn't enough.
Misery is all I have left. Misery and pain. Loneliness.
It's very dark in here.
^ It is so refreshing to see someone refer to "down there" as something positive. ! :applause:I had a gynecology appointment yesterday - I had to get my IUD replaced. It's always so embarrassing just sitting up there naked and spread eagle with some random chick's hand digging around in your cave of wonders. Not to mention she had to have her assistant in there too - it's just extremely embarrassing/awkward and I couldn't imagine being pregnant.
Aye, that's true. There probably are folk out there who understand an' empathize with ma struggle - sadly, ah huv'nae met any o' them.
Ah don't even know how to escape ma troubles, nevermind cope and deal with them, properly. Apart from living inside my head and embracing the solitude. Considering how many times arguments erupted in my family over the years, it's clear none of them can resolve an issue in a calm, reasonable manner. But then ah wus always told ah hud no reason to complain or be depressed. Which ah always hud a two word response for...
Aye, that was kinda encouraging... Ha! Kinda. See that, typical Scots cynicism, there. :bigsmile:
But ah just don't know if ah've got any resolve left in me? That fight to carry on. You'd think so, given what I've been through since I was born. But naw...
Even getting things done on my terms and treated how I deserve to be treated has been difficult. Probably doesn't help that ah've been far too forgiving and tolerate of my family's disrespectful, dismissive attitude towards me.
Oh aye, that would've been a catastrof**k. :bigsmile:
Well you have us here to empathize with you. But I know having someone in real life to do that is something we could all do with.
Well maybe we can't actually escape our troubles. Maybe it's this false hope that makes things worse in the long run. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to make things better, but perhaps getting rid completely of our sufferings isn't possible. It's probably best not to complain in your family even if you have the right to. That type of environment can be toxic and if you further immerse yourself in it, things will get worse.
Well maybe you'll feel better if the Scots beat the Springboks this weekend.
But at lest ah git yurr nam rite dis tym.![]()
^ Those kind of days are very hard to live though.:sad:Been in bed crying all day.