How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Spent a good day outside.
Nice, sunny, lake. Is that hell?
Should have known. Spring allergies. Sinuses blocked. Can't breathe. I am not going outside today.

;)Awesum to her that SIAL. I bet u enjoyed your day very much. :D
Oh you have spring allergies? That's thought. Well soon will be better coz will be up coming summer and you will have breathing nose free?:)
Thanks for the advice. I realize that she needs her privacy too, but I just feel disappointed that she won't share her troubles with me, I wish she would trust me enough to do it. Another thing is, she could've said it in a more respectful way, but I guess it wasn't her day.

Also: no allergies, and I'm glad I don't need to suffer like that.

Exactly. Everyone has off days. Trust is earned. Somethings will always be untold.
some people are so rude... sure they might not like my advise, because they cannot accept critizim... but at least thank the person for offering advise...

maybe you deserve to feel the way you do, because your so negative. If you reading this, i am talking about you.
some people are so rude... sure they might not like my advise, because they cannot accept critizim... but at least thank the person for offering advise...

maybe you deserve to feel the way you do, because your so negative. If you reading this, i am talking about you.

are you talking about me? Cause I was readin.


Well-known member
there are some topics that we are not permitted to discuss on SPW, unfortunately. but i seriously need advice and input. sigh. :l


Well-known member
Don't know what addictions you have battled with but I have defeated a few myself, I hope it went well! I don't know if you mean beating your addictions or just opening up, but I'm sure you can do it.

It's funny, I have a drug worker, and she is far more understanding and knowledgeable about mental health than my normal doctors, and she has helped me more than anyone else even though I have no had addiction issues for over 5 years (wow that feels nice to say :))

But yeah I hope your worker is just as good, I find they tend to be a lot more understanding and sympathetic.

Ooooh thank you for replying :)

Well im saddened to say becoz the clock went forward/backward (i cant remember!) i missed my appointment. It must have been forward then!

But i did however ring her, appoligise and say "i am dissapointed i didnt make it in today coz there was things i wanted to bring up just to get them out there". This opened the door for her to know there are things i need to discuss.

One thing i have never talked to NOBODY about and it is linked (i think) to another MH condition i have. So come tuesday i will have to prepare myself all over again.

It is really hard for me just to say it, so i have stuff typed up and prined out, this is so if i lose the courage to spill it out, i can hand her the piece of paper which will explain a bit about what happened.

Glad to here of you 5 years of drugs. I hope in 5 years time i can say the same :)


Well-known member
Sick of myself..

That makes me sad. :(

You are a great person who is just struggleing. I know its hard for you and it can get you down.

When i put something about feeling bad, somebody (i cant remember who) said something that really helped me.... are proberly going thru a down stage, the up will soon come

Remember that...we have to ride these stages out. Take the good with the bad and roll with it :)


Well-known member
That makes me sad. :(

You are a great person who is just struggleing. I know its hard for you and it can get you down.

When i put something about feeling bad, somebody (i cant remember who) said something that really helped me.... are proberly going thru a down stage, the up will soon come

Remember that...we have to ride these stages out. Take the good with the bad and roll with it :)


Thank u are such a sweet girl. Well this down stage which i'm going trough is long time down but i try not post anytime that i feel bad i don't want to so "negative" but sometimes i feel like i can't be nothing else as "negative" about myself. I don't like to post it anytime coz i know this sound bad and i don't want the darkness which i feel sewing here around because people usually like positive people. My positivity have very short lasting usually is like "few" seconds and later i fall again down. I don't have any motivation and willing to be alive. This make me sad also to say that i hate make worries to others and i dislike admit how i really mostly feel because is so hard.
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Well-known member
once again like I don't fit in ANYWHERE. I really am close to swearing off Facebook and everything except this forum and the Mazda Miata forum.
All right phocas I will try your advice. Say how it is.

The grand sensation of emotion.
It is all logic consuming, interrupting.
Fight it off, focused mind.
For a little while to the sensation am I blind.
Only to flight back into the commotion.

It seems to be never ending. And now for something completely ... different.


Well-known member
Like a dumbass. A male co-worker asked me to have lunch with him. I asked him whether he was asking me out on a date and he said that he wasn't. I agreed to have lunch with him, but I'm thinking that I may have agreed to go out on a date. Oh, well. As long as he plays stupid then I can play stupid and pretend that I don't know and this doesn't go any further. I've always wanted to eat at this restaurant. That's a plus.
@Sinar Matahari:

I'm not sure... It depends on the work culture. When I was working, people ask each other out for lunch all the time, in pairs, groups, guy and girl, guy and guy, girl and girl... etc...