How are you feeling?

silent k

Well-known member
depressed. what am i going to do after this temp job ends? how am i going to support myself?

i feel your pain. i'm also a temp worker, and from time to time i also wonder whats next. i have been working for the same company through the temp agency for six months. i have been asked if i want to become a permanent worker, and i declined the offer, because i really don't understand the difference, to me everything is temporary, even life itself. if someone asked me what the key to life is, i would tell them to" master change. " anyway, after this temp job ends there is always another one waiting for the person that is willing to work hard. to me hard work is natural and the best thing for piece of mind, and this is the single thing that i strive for in life. what else do u need. for the most part, to me words seem excessive. so any ways to sum it up my best advice would be, support yourself with hard work, just as you are doing now take my advice or don't.

silent k

Well-known member

Thank u Sial:) nice of u try cheer me up. I appreciate it. Maybe i understand what's going on for one side but for other i don't. I have twisted thinking :/ If come ones day where i will not feel insane for who i'm and for triggers which bring me almost each day i will be free so free;)

u are free, some day u will realize that fact.
I told two of my friends about my anxiety and my seeing a therapist. I've told my two best friends, but have held back on telling these two. They took it well. Of course, I'm pretty sure that everyone already has an idea; I kept my spoken words to a minimum until three-ish years ago. I'm glad I got it over with.


Well-known member
@silent_k true. i just hope it can be a diginfied job like the one i have now. not something that makes me die inside.

right now i feel: angry. frustrated. my router needs resetting but it is in my landlord's place. i don't want to bother him but this is getting effing ridiculous. just reset the effing ROUTER.


Well-known member
I feel like I'm using you guys, because whenever I'm troubled I get back in here. Otherwise I don't frequent this site...

I feel really insecure. I fell in love with a girl, and supposedly she likes me too (according to a friend of mine). We would often talk late till 4am in the morning on msn, we would always sit next together, we laughed at each other's joke, but lately things have gotten worse. Lately she seems a bit of stressed because of the work we need to hand in for school. Whenever I talk to her, she seemed to be annoyed, and she would even say that I ask stupid questions.

The worse part is, when I bothered her many times by asking what's wrong, she gave me the cold shoulder and said: "you think you've got the right to know what's going on with me, but you don't."

I got really angry and ignored her the day after. Since then, things got a bit awkward between us... There wasn't a real fight, because we kept talking to each other, but it doesn't feel like the "old days", when she didn't think I was annoying at all...
Spent a good day outside.
Nice, sunny, lake. Is that hell?
Should have known. Spring allergies. Sinuses blocked. Can't breathe. I am not going outside today.
I feel like I'm using you guys, because whenever I'm troubled I get back in here. Otherwise I don't frequent this site...

I feel really insecure. I fell in love with a girl, and supposedly she likes me too (according to a friend of mine). We would often talk late till 4am in the morning on msn, we would always sit next together, we laughed at each other's joke, but lately things have gotten worse. Lately she seems a bit of stressed because of the work we need to hand in for school. Whenever I talk to her, she seemed to be annoyed, and she would even say that I ask stupid questions.

The worse part is, when I bothered her many times by asking what's wrong, she gave me the cold shoulder and said: "you think you've got the right to know what's going on with me, but you don't."

I got really angry and ignored her the day after. Since then, things got a bit awkward between us... There wasn't a real fight, because we kept talking to each other, but it doesn't feel like the "old days", when she didn't think I was annoying at all...

First, boss, you ain't no bother. You gots'ta troubles come and'a speakin your mind.

Second, sometimes people just need their space. Respect that. Just tell her you're there if she needs to talk. Leave it at that. If it really concerns you or she wants it to be known by you she will let you know.

All right then. I'll be around. Allergies, anyone want to join me?


Well-known member
1. If I found out she slept or even kissed him, then that will be the last straw of that friendship.
She already has a boyfriend. Why does she have to flirt with my ex so much?
"It's because she wants to feel beautiful because she doesn't believe that she is" <-my other friend is spot-on.
He apologises to me all the time for the fact he kissed her a couple of years ago on my birthday night out. Yet last night, they are flirting all the time.
Well I hope they have fun together. Leaving this town soon. Ciao to the both of them.

2. Really disappointed we couldn't chat for longer. No idea how much it would have helped.

3. I think I don't believe my stupid paranoid thought from the other day anymore. I'm focussing on the good instead of the bad with that one and the fact is, I worked very hard to make up for my mistake. I need to credit myself more with the fact that i can always admit when I mess it up and that I always try and make up for it after. But that's the part I keep forgetting lately and that's why I get so sad.

Wow. Sorry to be cryptic and detailed.


Well-known member
I think I don't believe my stupid paranoid thought from the other day anymore.

I hate those thoughts...


I am mortified about what went down on friday. But happy i made a choice to go home and not do drugs...

Stopped drinking spirits a while ago as i turned into a psycho. A wide range of emotions would come out so i gave spirits up. On friday i said i wanted to see if i was the turns out i am. Ugggh thoughts of it (of what i can remenber!)
First, boss, you ain't no bother. You gots'ta troubles come and'a speakin your mind.

Second, sometimes people just need their space. Respect that. Just tell her you're there if she needs to talk. Leave it at that. If it really concerns you or she wants it to be known by you she will let you know.

I agree.

I feel good. The smaller things are falling into place. Now I've got to work on some of the bigger stuff.


Anyway!!! Today im slightly nervous as i am bringing up topics tomorrow with my addiction counsellor that i hane never told anybody AHHHHHHHH

For the better tho.... hope i can do it this time !!!

Don't know what addictions you have battled with but I have defeated a few myself, I hope it went well! I don't know if you mean beating your addictions or just opening up, but I'm sure you can do it.

It's funny, I have a drug worker, and she is far more understanding and knowledgeable about mental health than my normal doctors, and she has helped me more than anyone else even though I have no had addiction issues for over 5 years (wow that feels nice to say :))

But yeah I hope your worker is just as good, I find they tend to be a lot more understanding and sympathetic.


Well-known member
First, boss, you ain't no bother. You gots'ta troubles come and'a speakin your mind.

Second, sometimes people just need their space. Respect that. Just tell her you're there if she needs to talk. Leave it at that. If it really concerns you or she wants it to be known by you she will let you know.

All right then. I'll be around. Allergies, anyone want to join me?

Thanks for the advice. I realize that she needs her privacy too, but I just feel disappointed that she won't share her troubles with me, I wish she would trust me enough to do it. Another thing is, she could've said it in a more respectful way, but I guess it wasn't her day.

Also: no allergies, and I'm glad I don't need to suffer like that.