How are you feeling?

Like a dumbass. A male co-worker asked me to have lunch with him. I asked him whether he was asking me out on a date and he said that he wasn't. I agreed to have lunch with him, but I'm thinking that I may have agreed to go out on a date. Oh, well. As long as he plays stupid then I can play stupid and pretend that I don't know and this doesn't go any further. I've always wanted to eat at this restaurant. That's a plus.

@Sinar Matahari:

I'm not sure... It depends on the work culture. When I was working, people ask each other out for lunch all the time, in pairs, groups, guy and girl, guy and guy, girl and girl... etc...

Yeah, that is not so uncommon around this one as well. Though I must turn down most invitations due to diet and they all like this sushi stuff.


Well-known member
Hmm...does it change anything if I say that the same guy asked me out about ten years ago and that he regularly brings me food if I'm hungry, drinks if I'm thirsty? Or that my other co-worker has told me that this guy likes me? Obviously, you can't always trust what everyone says, but that along with everything else I mentioned, does make for a strong case. However, I do hope that it is more innocent than I perceive. I really want to try the sushi they make at this restaurant. It's not just some sushi bar, it's a real Japanese restaurant and I've been wanting to go for some years now. Maybe I can try some other Japanese delicacy other than sushi.


Well-known member
Yeah, that is not so uncommon around this one as well. Though I must turn down most invitations due to diet and they all like this sushi stuff.

Unless you've already tried it and made up your mind that you do not like it, I really recommend giving sushi a try. It's very healthy. I didn't care for it the very first bite I had, but I loved it after the second bite.


Ooooh thank you for replying :)

Well im saddened to say becoz the clock went forward/backward (i cant remember!) i missed my appointment. It must have been forward then!

But i did however ring her, appoligise and say "i am dissapointed i didnt make it in today coz there was things i wanted to bring up just to get them out there". This opened the door for her to know there are things i need to discuss.

One thing i have never talked to NOBODY about and it is linked (i think) to another MH condition i have. So come tuesday i will have to prepare myself all over again.

It is really hard for me just to say it, so i have stuff typed up and prined out, this is so if i lose the courage to spill it out, i can hand her the piece of paper which will explain a bit about what happened.

Glad to here of you 5 years of drugs. I hope in 5 years time i can say the same :)

Your welcome! That sucks you missed your appointment but crap happens I guess! It's great your still moving forward with this despite whatever setbacks come your way.

That's great you have written stuff down too, it is so easy to completely go brain dead in those situations and totally forget what you came to say, even more so when your talking about deep issues.

And thank's =] I'm sure 5 years from now you will be able to say the same, getting help is sometimes the hardest bit and your already well on your way doing that. Keep us updated!


Well-known member
it could be completely innocent, but based on this post and your situation and the fact that you're uncomfortable with the idea of going out to lunch with him, i would've turned him down. i don't think you're overreacting here. if you can't back out, maybe you could have another person come along with you -- that might help!

:) Thank you, Telepathine. I appreciate your input. I've given this all some thought.... I'm going to go through with it even if I'm not completely comfortable with it. My discomfort is not an issue of safety so there really is no harm in eating lunch with the guy. Even if the guy likes me, as long as his actions remain platonic, there is no reason why I shouldn't accept a lunch invitation. Maybe I'll have a good time once I'm over my discomfort. I don't want to back down for two reasons. Namely, I already told him that I would have lunch with him and the other reason is because I don't want to avoid yet another situation. Maybe I'll have fun! I sure could use the social practice and I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and try to do something new. I've already been avoiding other lunch invitations and it's getting ridiculous at this point. Speaking of which...I'm going to tell those other people that I'll have lunch with them sometime this week.


Well-known member
:) Thank you, Telepathine. I appreciate your input. I've given this all some thought.... I'm going to go through with it even if I'm not completely comfortable with it. My discomfort is not an issue of safety so there really is no harm in eating lunch with the guy. Even if the guy likes me, as long as his actions remain platonic, there is no reason why I shouldn't accept a lunch invitation. Maybe I'll have a good time once I'm over my discomfort. I don't want to back down for two reasons. Namely, I already told him that I would have lunch with him and the other reason is because I don't want to avoid yet another situation. Maybe I'll have fun! I sure could use the social practice and I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and try to do something new. I've already been avoiding other lunch invitations and it's getting ridiculous at this point. Speaking of which...I'm going to tell those other people that I'll have lunch with them sometime this week.

if you offer to pay your half of the bill, it may help him to understand that you're not interested in him romantically

some guys (maybe subconsciously, maybe not) seem to think that a woman owes them something if the guy buys them a meal


Well-known member
if you offer to pay your half of the bill, it may help him to understand that you're not interested in him romantically

some guys (maybe subconsciously, maybe not) seem to think that a woman owes them something if the guy buys them a meal

You're very right! He offered to pay, but I told him that I would pay for my meal.
Unless you've already tried it and made up your mind that you do not like it, I really recommend giving sushi a try. It's very healthy. I didn't care for it the very first bite I had, but I loved it after the second bite.

I have troubles with certain textures of food. Same reason I can't get eggplant or mushrooms past the mouth. Get's kind of messy, need I say more?


Well-known member
I have troubles with certain textures of food. Same reason I can't get eggplant or mushrooms past the mouth. Get's kind of messy, need I say more?

unagi is my favorite:


eels aren't as slippery when they're smoked:

Pretty **** atm actually.

I feel like I have no hope on the social front or with women.

I have no friends and no one to talk to about anything.

I'm also not getting the news I wanted on the grad job front despite spending years at University getting decent grades. You get such a good warm fuzzy feeling inside when you've built up debt to pay back from studying, put in hard work to get decent grades and then be unable to land a decent job and realise you just wasted years of your life.

Currently, looks like I'm starting to get some minor depression again. It's fun to think about suicide methods that I could implement if life were to get much worse in the forseeable future.


Well-known member
it's almost 3am and i just stayed up during crazy thunderstorms to make some fettuccine alfredo linguine stuff.. and now i'm full as fukk.. i just know i'm gonna wake up feeling like crap in the morning :( whyeeee do i do this!? ha.. =/


Well-known member

Thank u are such a sweet girl. Well this down stage which i'm going trough is long time down but i try not post anytime that i feel bad i don't want to so "negative" but sometimes i feel like i can't be nothing else as "negative" about myself. I don't like to post it anytime coz i know this sound bad and i don't want the darkness which i feel sewing here around because people usually like positive people. My positivity have very short lasting usually is like "few" seconds and later i fall again down. I don't have any motivation and willing to be alive. This make me sad also to say that i hate make worries to others and i dislike admit how i really mostly feel because is so hard.

Hey DespairSoul,

Im really sorry you feel like the down stage in never ending for you, i really truely am. I know what you mean by not liking to post negative things up, i feel the same too - even tho i would love to rant away my depressive feelings.

Do you want this feeling to change for you? Im guessing so, but how do you think you can do this?

When my motivation and willingness to live, dies, i can promise you i understand how tough these feeling can be when you feel so alone. I think i did tell you before that i too worry about something that i one day might do, but i dont want to do it...and once again, im presuming you dont want to either, right?

DespairSoul, if you ever want to rant/vent/let of steem/say how you truely feel (and dont want to feel like you are bursting peoples positivity), then please dont hesitate to PM me at all. I will always be hear to listen to you. So if those thought ever ever ever become too strong for you, i would rather you let me know, okay?

I am truely sorry and try to remeber this.... is always okay in the end, if its not okay...its not the end

Your welcome! That sucks you missed your appointment but crap happens I guess! It's great your still moving forward with this despite whatever setbacks come your way.

That's great you have written stuff down too, it is so easy to completely go brain dead in those situations and totally forget what you came to say, even more so when your talking about deep issues.

And thank's =] I'm sure 5 years from now you will be able to say the same, getting help is sometimes the hardest bit and your already well on your way doing that. Keep us updated!

Well i made the appointment today. Gave her the printed sheets and went thru some of the stuff on it...
So im happy now and feeling good that i have gotten that fu*ked up sh*t out there.
Its good to know i will be able to recieve the proper support now. Support that i so much needed. I wouldnt have known where to begin with the issues but the printed pages said it all.

And about in 5years, im of to Amsterdam on saturday for my birthday, so allow me 6years, therefore by the time i have no more relapses i can say that :p reading over that sentance there i dunno if it even make any sence, does it?


Well-known member

I know u are super:) Thank u well i know rant help but really not "always" sometimes volunteering and talking about my issues actually can make my moods worse and also i can feel yet more depressed if i sank to deep in it. It's depends. Thank u for your caring and sweet words! I often write how i truly feel
but i don't write every day the same negative answer?Some day anyway i feel little less worse even if is just little is something:)


Well-known member
my heart hurts and i'm lonely.

think i'll pay my non-existent humanoid girlfriend a visit.

(just got drunk by the way, it's great):D

living on the edge!