How are you feeling?


And about in 5years, im of to Amsterdam on saturday for my birthday, so allow me 6years, therefore by the time i have no more relapses i can say that :p reading over that sentance there i dunno if it even make any sence, does it?

Yeah it made perfect sense as soon as you mentioned Amsterdam lol. Hope you have a good time!


Well-known member
hoping tomorrow will be better =/
(my job stresses me out, being around too many negative people for long periods of time drains the life outta me)
sooo, like a true introvert, tonight i'm staying in my room and away from people.


Well-known member


Well-known member
I felt like complete SH*T, but geekyloaner thank you... have mede me feel somewhat better. Dont think i will be properly okay until i sleep this off tho...

...not looking forward to meeting with work colugues for a drink, but i just have to watch out on my drinking...cant be having a repeat of my anger last weekend ::(: