How are you feeling?

Why do things always seem to fall into place for me? I mean I don't deserve, yet whenever a problem arises it works itself out without my help.

Don't worry about it too much. Take it as is. Some problems have a way of working themselves out without user intervention. Just spread those wings and fly. Or it is one of those days and I am not making sense. Want to join me? I am falling apart.
Why do things always seem to fall into place for me? I mean I don't deserve, yet whenever a problem arises it works itself out without my help.

I think it may just seem like that at times. But chances are that you're actually doing something about the problem unconsciously, however unconscious and well hidden. Playing your cards right in places that may seem unrelated to the problem, yet helpful in a way. ''Be nice and polite to the grocery man, and he'll forgive you for not having every peny you owe him.''

It may also seem like things work out on their own because you trust that they will, we tend to notice good things more if we focus on them, and express that on the outside, often aiding in resolving the problem. Same thing with negatives. That's why a person that feels very sorry for itself will think that only bad things happen to him/her, because he/she is looking for them, finds them, and expresses so on the outside.

Also, you shouldn't say that you don't deserve it. ;3 Crap happens to everyone and we all want as much slack as we need. Problem management isn't a competition where slack is given as a reward. And even if it was, you would totally deserve it. :3


Well-known member
@coyote do you feel empty? ~~what does it all mean?~~ :p

edited: oops. upon first look the video did not load and it showed nothing inside your post at all, hence my wondering why you posted blankness. sorry for the confusion if you read this.
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Well-known member
Really tired and depressed... Also slightly anxious (At the moment. It'll get worse by tonight, I just know it. -.-) as I have interviews to do for school tomorrow :S


Well-known member
Thank you for the sympathy.You're very kind even if you never replied me I would've still thought that you're very kind.:)

Oh, well i can be to not kind if someone hurts me of course. I think we all have good and bad sites. Someone more someone less. I hope u feel little better now? Also i wish good luck to find new even better job as u had!


Well-known member
I just came back from the mall. It made me feel down, as being exposed in public usually does. I'm still getting bothered about people staring at me, and I still wonder if they really give me those quizzical looks or if its just in my mind. Plus I saw an old high school friend. He didn't notice me and I was too afraid to go up to him to say anything. But he looked so different from what he was in high school. He looked older, but not in that he has aged significantly - but rather that his demeanour is now like that of a man instead of a kid in high school. It just reminded me of how far behind in normal development I am. I don't think my psyche has changed since pre-school if I have to be honest. ::(:


Well-known member
I just came back from the mall. It made me feel down, as being exposed in public usually does. I'm still getting bothered about people staring at me, and I still wonder if they really give me those quizzical looks or if its just in my mind. Plus I saw an old high school friend. He didn't notice me and I was too afraid to go up to him to say anything. But he looked so different from what he was in high school. He looked older, but not in that he has aged significantly - but rather that his demeanour is now like that of a man instead of a kid in high school. It just reminded me of how far behind in normal development I am. I don't think my psyche has changed since pre-school if I have to be honest. ::(:


Brave u was going mall:) I know how u feel made me feel down mostly too if i go mall or try go outside. I know well how u feel. Well those looks i would say is half-half some really stare and some are in your mind. I'm sorry to hear that u wasn't able talk to your friend. If i would see some friend of my i will run away that i must not only talk to them. I hope Have nice day and think positive about some nice stuff.


I didn't sleep at all last night but I survived without a panic attack, the only difference was I tried a new sleep tea, so I suspect that is the culprit. I am tired and a little down, but feeling optimistic somewhere deep inside.