How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I am really lonely,the only interaction I have is at the gym,it really helps now that I havent worked in almost a week.

Sorry to hear that. Try to keep yourself occupied as much as you can. And I see you are from Japan, which reminded me of the tremor I felt last night while lying in bed. It was really scary, can't imagine what a full blown earthquake must be like, and I hope I never get the chance to find out. Your people have my best wishes...:)


Well-known member
Better. Got my head screwed on the right way again I think. Well, as good as it was before at least :rolleyes:

i recommend neck bolts



Well-known member
15 years ago today, my father died

I still miss him

he had just turned 65 two days before

his retirement was due to start the next day

live now - don't wait


Well-known member
::(: I know what u mean about being ignored, I wasn't reading yesterday posts here.
If i would read i would respond. Now i feel really not good about it. U was responding
on my feelings and i didn't. Not because i don't care i do care but i wasn't reading it.
I feel now crappy. Lost job is very serious thing. I don't have any and i feel as looser
no. 1. Well i hope u will feel soon better! I'm sorry you felt ignored here. Well but it happened
to anyone here and on others forum too. I think is kind of like real live.

Thank you for the sympathy.You're very kind even if you never replied me I would've still thought that you're very kind.:)


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that. Try to keep yourself occupied as much as you can. And I see you are from Japan, which reminded me of the tremor I felt last night while lying in bed. It was really scary, can't imagine what a full blown earthquake must be like, and I hope I never get the chance to find out. Your people have my best wishes...:)

thanks,my area wasnt afected much directly,but yes a lot of business stopped so I am not working,have nothing to do.


Well-known member
SCREAMS. Just feeling vexed and frustrated, I feel like this mostly, I can't remember a time when I truly smiled or laughed.