How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Meanwhile, across town, someone called MoonlightStare is looking at a package that's just arrived and thinking "Huh? I never ordered this!". ;)

Actually it slipped into a parallel universe by mistake. They are quite thin and all packed in closely together supposedly. MidnightStar has said that this mysterious package has arrived and she is thinking "Huh? I never ordered this!". Rembrandt Broam has replied: "Meanwhile, across town, someone called MoonlightStare is wondering what happened to her package".
very anxious

I forgot to attend a Village Planning Commission meeting last night that my boss had asked me to attend - had put it on my calendar and everything (unusual for me). But, of course, did not check my calendar this week to remind myself

I informed my boss this morning that I forgot to go, and that I'll get the minutes ASAP.

now I'm waiting for the shoe to drop

I hate feeling like such a stupid idiot - why did I have to go and screw up something so simple?

Your only human.:)
Do you know of any human that does not make any "simple" mistakes in their lifetime?
Yes, I know bosses frequently expect their employees to be super-human :(
Don't let a boss's unrealistic expectations bring your mood down.

I am feeling worn out.::(:
I am need a change of scenery.


Well-known member
Not the best. I know today is gonna be a little trying. Last night in a skype chat I frequent quite a bit, this one user called me ugly. Granted he was likely intoxicated and pathetic as they come. At first I kinda ignored it and it didn't seem like it phased me. Buuuuut then it caught up with me. More so just that it brought up my past self-hate times. Made me feel that again. Yeaaah, blaaaaah.


Well-known member
Useless peace of meat and loosing my job is my current status in real life now!Ignored was how I felt on this forum that time lol.Thanks for noticing anyways!

::(: I know what u mean about being ignored, I wasn't reading yesterday posts here.
If i would read i would respond. Now i feel really not good about it. U was responding
on my feelings and i didn't. Not because i don't care i do care but i wasn't reading it.
I feel now crappy. Lost job is very serious thing. I don't have any and i feel as looser
no. 1. Well i hope u will feel soon better! I'm sorry you felt ignored here. Well but it happened
to anyone here and on others forum too. I think is kind of like real live.


Well-known member
Not the best. I know today is gonna be a little trying. Last night in a skype chat I frequent quite a bit, this one user called me ugly. Granted he was likely intoxicated and pathetic as they come. At first I kinda ignored it and it didn't seem like it phased me. Buuuuut then it caught up with me. More so just that it brought up my past self-hate times. Made me feel that again. Yeaaah, blaaaaah.

Screw him. He's wrong. You're certainly not ugly. I know feeling something like that bringing back those type of issues. He's the ugly one. =)


Well-known member
Not the best. I know today is gonna be a little trying. Last night in a skype chat I frequent quite a bit, this one user called me ugly. Granted he was likely intoxicated and pathetic as they come. At first I kinda ignored it and it didn't seem like it phased me. Buuuuut then it caught up with me. More so just that it brought up my past self-hate times. Made me feel that again. Yeaaah, blaaaaah.

Lunarla that's was some kind of joke and wasn't funny. Because u are pretty. I saw your pic!
He is blind or have some issues with eyes? I guess he needs glasses. Or kick to the ass.
Well don't worry about him. He is by himself very beautiful and mister perfect if he dare say something like that. Don't let people like this take u down. I


Well-known member
Screw him. He's wrong. You're certainly not ugly. I know feeling something like that bringing back those type of issues. He's the ugly one. =)

Ha, thanks for the words! It just sucks that it actually got to me, especially from someone that holds absolutely no basis. And brought all that stuff up again. Makes me think that maybe I haven't made so much progress in getting away from all that. But hey, it'll pass.


Well-known member
my flat is flooding from the incessant rain. feeling neurotic about the impending armageddon. what if there is a god? will he/she/it forgive me? going to check and see if the stand is on netflix instant stream.

edited: it's not. well, sh!t.


Well-known member
lol. I visit a sports message board where the member demographic is like 98% guys, a very huge majority of whom are probably under the age of 23. If you go by what they say though, they're all dating supermodels and living in brand new mansions.

For example, there are lots of threads there where someone posts a pic of an incredibly attractive female celebrity or model to be rated on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most attractive), and she'll just get absolutely trashed, where like 75% of the posters pick apart every minute physical "flaw" she may have. I don't think I've ever seen anyone rate someone higher than a 7 in one of those threads, but I've also yet to see any of these mouthy, judgy supposed Mr. Perfects post a pic or FB link to themselves despite many of the more mature members repeatedly trolling them to do so.

Point is, certain people get a sudden gush of a little too much bravado when there's very little chance of repercussions. Usually happens when these douche bags get into groups where they feel protected, but the Internet is obviously another haven for douche bags who may or may not have any friends. lol.

P.S. lunarla, I've seen a picture of you, and you're obviously very, very pretty. Don't let some immature nutsack let you think otherwise. Too many women let (absolutely transparent) losers like this Skype kid and the people on that sports message board define how they should look. These are just Average Joes with a laughably inflated sense of superiority bestowed upon them by their douche bag parents; their joke of an opinion means nothing. Trust me: other guys don't take them seriously, so women shouldn't either. lol.

Good words, true words, Token! I'm happy to report that I'm overrrrr it, and for about 80% of my day it didn't phase me at all! Just a little hiccup in my morning.

And hahah - that link in your signature. Another example of how a lot of people on the internet just need to be disregarded on a whole; they have no worthy opinion, really.


Well-known member
like a piece of s**t, skuck to your shoe, it is mank and i want to get rid of these s**t feeling but there is nothing i can do but just let time pass...

Sorry for the horrible explaination but it is how i feel - like s**t
I feel like absolute crap today. Not only did my last Sim die on Sims 3, but I'm as lonely as heck. For the love of God, please let something happen in my life worthy of making me content!


Well-known member
lol. I visit a sports message board where the member demographic is like 98% guys, a very huge majority of whom are probably under the age of 23. If you go by what they say though, they're all dating supermodels and living in brand new mansions.

For example, there are lots of threads there where someone posts a pic of an incredibly attractive female celebrity or model to be rated on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most attractive), and she'll just get absolutely trashed, where like 75% of the posters pick apart every minute physical "flaw" she may have. I don't think I've ever seen anyone rate someone higher than a 7 in one of those threads, but I've also yet to see any of these mouthy, judgy supposed Mr. Perfects post a pic or FB link to themselves despite many of the more mature members repeatedly trolling them to do so.

Point is, certain people get a sudden gush of a little too much bravado when there's very little chance of repercussions. Usually happens when these douche bags get into groups where they feel protected, but the Internet is obviously another haven for douche bags who may or may not have any friends. lol.

P.S. lunarla, I've seen a picture of you, and you're obviously very, very pretty. Don't let some immature nutsack let you think otherwise. Too many women let (absolutely transparent) losers like this Skype kid and the people on that sports message board define how they should look. These are just Average Joes with a laughably inflated sense of superiority bestowed upon them by their douche bag parents; their joke of an opinion means nothing. Trust me: other guys don't take them seriously, so women shouldn't either. lol.


Well i was ironic. I was meaning he wasn't for sure Mr. Perfect by him self and now i don't mean just psychically special i mean mentally! I dislike kind of those judging people
and researching as u said just "psychically flaws" we aren't just psychically we are also mentally important. I really don't care about some bigheaded cockheads which waste time only staring on some models and researching what flaws she may have i think is very pointless and wasting time. Those mans are real douche bags and they are spoiled coz of money, positions and "perfect look" what they may have and think they can do whatever they want. Nope they can't is just delusion of their rich world. This for me totally other sort of people with which i even wouldn't hold conversation because i know nothing smart will come out from it. By the way what is it for activity to give rating to girls. Really creative activity lol. U are right with all of what u say but i don't want to even know that those people exist coz make me feel bad about all human existence what we are resolution for pointless things.


Well-known member
I am really lonely,the only interaction I have is at the gym,it really helps now that I havent worked in almost a week.