How are you feeling?


Active member
I'm feeling drunk.

I did a bad thing. I messaged my sister's friend and told her that she unwittingly made offensive comments in front of my sister's boyfriend. My sister may be very upset with me.

I haven't left this house in weeks without my mother. I can't even go to ShopRite without feeling extremely uncomfortable. Especially since my mother seems to know everyone in that store.

I need meds or somethings.


Well-known member
I feel like crap. I cant seem to conjure up much motivation these days, just thinking about all the things i need to do makes me feel tired.
Absolutely terrible. Never been worse.
I've the most perfect guy in the world who i absolutely can't live without but thanks to this site it looks like i'm going to lose him. :-( i've said some things on this to make him feel uncomfortable and now it doesn't seem like he can trust me. My fault for not telling him about the site. I wish i could delete every single one of my posts and start afresh but i can't cos you have to be a mod. I love him so much- he's definitely The One- but now it seems certain ill lose him and feels like my life's falling apart. :-(


Well-known member
haha. I would've definitely missed that train. I'm very, very slow when it comes to getting ready for anything. Hope you were able to be on time though. :)

:) Yes now is funny to me too but before was like "oh god what i will do it" I didn't know if i should insane smiling or crying haha because come so fast like "Boom" and now what? I were able be on time they took me with car there :rolleyes:


Well-known member
very anxious

I forgot to attend a Village Planning Commission meeting last night that my boss had asked me to attend - had put it on my calendar and everything (unusual for me). But, of course, did not check my calendar this week to remind myself

I informed my boss this morning that I forgot to go, and that I'll get the minutes ASAP.

now I'm waiting for the shoe to drop

I hate feeling like such a stupid idiot - why did I have to go and screw up something so simple?


Well-known member
That's obnoxious. Her inability/unwillingness to learn a coworker's name just makes her look stupid and lazy. Just take enjoyment in the fact that people like that usually never amount to anything really significant professionally or personally.

As far as getting back at her, you could try telling her your name every time she refers to you as, "the person"... but instead of telling her your real name, pick some different, random name each time. Just make sure the names all start with the same letter or sound the same. lol.

:D Thank you.

That's a good idea, I do prefer to take the humorous approach at revenge rather than the angry one.

And yes she is very rude. She sits talking very loudly in riddles about how "so and so is going to be sacked soon" etc, takes pleasure in the fact that people can hear her and may be worrying that she's talking about them just like I was yesterday.

Respect is a two way thing. Why don't people realise this?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
very anxious

I forgot to attend a Village Planning Commission meeting last night that my boss had asked me to attend - had put it on my calendar and everything (unusual for me). But, of course, did not check my calendar this week to remind myself

I informed my boss this morning that I forgot to go, and that I'll get the minutes ASAP.

now I'm waiting for the shoe to drop

I hate feeling like such a stupid idiot - why did I have to go and screw up something so simple?

I have done very similar things before. If it's not part of my routine, I forget the event way too easily. It's a horrible mix of feelings to experience and I know them well. You have my sympathy.
I took the dog for a walk. Cleared my mind a bit. Just checked my NCAA men's bracket. I'm 19-7, which is much better than usual. U of I plays tonight; hoping for a win, but with the way they've been playing lately, it isn't likely.