How are you feeling?


Pirate from the North Pole
Lol I'm trying to play accordion in front of the mirror to fix the position of my hands when I play but can't concentrate because I'm so amazed of how ugly I am.
That's kind of pathetic. Not getting any better. I'm so shallow and self-centered - sorry.


Well-known member
Lol I'm trying to play accordion in front of the mirror to fix the position of my hands when I play but can't concentrate because I'm so amazed of how ugly I am.
That's kind of pathetic. Not getting any better. I'm so shallow and self-centered - sorry.

you're soooo not ugly
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Well-known member
A lady at work is plain nasty. She has a very small degree of authority which she tries to maximise the appearance of by being so rude and patronising.
I've been there several months and she has not bothered to learn my name and just refers to me as "the person"
Many people find her annoying but suck up to her like anything.
I'm leaving there soon. Do I say anything to her or what? I want to tell her what I think. People will tell me its stupid, I think its sensible to keep quiet. But thats all anyone does and in the end she never knows how nasty she can be.
I'm far from the confrontational type (normally the negotiator) but I just can't let myself leave this situation like this. I want to stand up for myself but not sure if it'd make things easier just to let it all go....


Well-known member
Thanks Gazelle and Feathers, even with my anxiety turned down several notches, the flight of fight response inside of me is still strong in meetings etc, and that is what drains me.

I like the idea of doing a relaxing activity. I've learnt some relaxation and deep breathing exercises and that has really helped. Running always helps

I agree watching diet is important. I've stopped drinking caffiene (Pepsi Max) and my thoughts have a softer edge and I can cope much better. The change has been incredible! After yesterday's meeting by head was buzzing with possibility that my anxiety might be disappearing. That feels great.

I will see if can find that book you are referring to, Feathers. I was seeing a therapist and she introduced me to some CBT, however she left the practice. I was only able to see her three times.


Well-known member
Lol I'm trying to play accordion in front of the mirror to fix the position of my hands when I play but can't concentrate because I'm so amazed of how ugly I am.
That's kind of pathetic. Not getting any better. I'm so shallow and self-centered - sorry.

*hugs for her* U aren't ugly u are far from ugly. Don't be amazed and start play some cool stuff with super posture of body:) I know i'm the same feeling lol. Trying cheer up;)

Edit> U can't steal my mark> i'm ugly u are pretty so it is:)


Well-known member
Pretty good actually. First time this week I've felt this good. :) The weather's finally getting warmer, the snow is finally melting (Yay! :D), and I'm getting a bunch of days off from school soon.

I'm sorry to hear that superfluoslyme. Noo u aren't gonna die before i'm sure:) Maybe u will make pizza?;) I read ones u was doing home pizza. I like home pizza is yumi. Take care!

Turns out I had the wrong date. So I got worked up over nothing, but I'll just have get nervous again for the real appointment.


Well-known member
Haha you guys are really arguing to get the "ugly" title. I won't fight you cause I never saw any of you - though I think it is safe to say that nobody see us worst than we see ourselves.
Anyway thanks for cheering me up ;)

Yes we did lol :) And was funny either. I didn't knew this title is so much "IN" and we will fight for it. I agree we are us worse enemies if is going about see ourselves i guess so.
I'm glad u was cheered up this was the reason do it so. It worked out.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Turns out I had the wrong date. So I got worked up over nothing, but I'll just have get nervous again for the real appointment.

:D Well i know this feeling. I often confused date of some meeting. One's i should go travel
and i seated on bed (peaceful) watching tv but later my sis say: "Isn't today your trip home ? I looked up my travel ticket and start hurrying for catching train i wasn't yet packed and i was so shocked that i must leave in two hours lol. Small funny story about my super memory, I bet u will do it well on your appointment. I wish good luck ::p: