How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel really down, coz I keep hoping for certain circumstances to exist, in order for me to like myself and not to be afraid to like others. But alas, they elude me without fail.


Well-known member
Feeling a little stressed... But its a good stress as im looking forward to tomorrow...

Paddys day and im off to a 10hour event. I cant wait to hit the dance floor and reck it non-stop!!! :)

Im going to go doubly as mental as this is my last event im getting wasted...

I have a fair bit to do though in preparation... And i dont know what to wear!!

Having lots of clothes doesnt mean you have anything to wear!!! ::p:
Feeling a little stressed... But its a good stress as im looking forward to tomorrow...

Paddys day and im off to a 10hour event. I cant wait to hit the dance floor and reck it non-stop!!! :)

Im going to go doubly as mental as this is my last event im getting wasted...

I have a fair bit to do though in preparation... And i dont know what to wear!!

Having lots of clothes doesnt mean you have anything to wear!!! ::p:

Wear a little bit of everything!... Or nothing at all! Both options will be original, I assure you. ::p:


Well-known member
@saskia maybe they are using reverse psychology on you so you will get pissed and do it. regardless, do it for yourself.


Well-known member
So it seems that the last time that I said I felt lonelier than ever needs to be upgraded. I am having feelings of abandonment. I guess quite a bit of abandonment/betrayal? at once. It was a difficult feeling to classify but it almost feels like being place-less/drifting and being disorientated, mixed with depression (which was, already there, of course). 3Ds. guess I didn't realize how much I lean on people who I barely even know... Or, I think it is more feeling like other people are living their lives fully and with confidence and friends, and then when they intertwine with my world for a minute and are still able to go back out and live their life so fully and probably just forget me... Like they are a different more complete species that has no purpose for me, especially as a constant in their lives. Really I don't know how I feel, hm. But it's scary and I have no clue why I feel so... odd


Well-known member
Not feeling respected. (in RL) Giving time, whatever insight I have when I have the will to give it, just all seems fall on deaf ears. Doesn't help confidence Im trying to rebuild.


Well-known member
Completely mixed up. Today I realy thought that my anxiety might be disappeating. I seem to be able to talk to people with less fear. I've felt happy and felt like that I am getting along even communicating positively. On the weekend and in a meeting I felt this way

Afterwards I felt drained though, as if talking to people takes a lot of energy out of me. Then I started worrying about losing my job, being uncertain about my future. Thinking that if a big change is coming my way am I strong enough to survive it? My life, such as it is, is all I know.


Well-known member
Completely mixed up. Today I realy thought that my anxiety might be disappeating. I seem to be able to talk to people with less fear. I've felt happy and felt like that I am getting along even communicating positively. On the weekend and in a meeting I felt this way

Afterwards I felt drained though, as if talking to people takes a lot of energy out of me. Then I started worrying about losing my job, being uncertain about my future. Thinking that if a big change is coming my way am I strong enough to survive it? My life, such as it is, is all I know.

It all depends on your energy levels.When you have less energy it naturally becomes difficult to talk with poeple and you start worrying for things with no reason,maybe you should pay attention to the things that you did or did not and the food you ate before you felt good and before you felt drained.


Well-known member
Hey Kiwong, it's great you were able to talk to people etc!

The way I do it, is schedule a relaxing activity/time after it later on that day and next day (or a few)... If you read about the concept of 'overwhelm'/'underwhelm' it can be helpful.. So you need some time to recuperate, and then you can talk to people again.. :) It also helps me to write things down, like a 'report' on the meeting/s and any issues or next actions, things to research or do etc. Hope this works for you too!

(also might wanna check things like nutrition, weather, etc. different things recommended for knee health than anti-anxiety etc!)
as for thoughts of uncertain future - have you tried doing some CBT on them (like Dr David Burns recommends in The Feeling Good Handbook? He was worried about the future of his son too, and wrote down the negative thoughts and 'worst case scenarios' than looked for validity and thought what he could do in worst case too.. for example, you could still walk/jog/hike, write the book/s... )