How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I was feeling irritable and pissed off but ive decided im not going to let one immature bitch ruin my day so im feeling good! :)


Well-known member
I'm burnt out! Just finished 2 finals, the last one consisting of 7 essay questions under 2 hours >:| and I've got 2 more to go. The only thing I'm looking forward to is getting wasted with my friend at a bar right after we finish our last exam, the best way to celebrate the end of the quarter. ^_^


Well-known member
holy mother,its ugly,I am laid off until next week,a friend of my father went to put fuel in his car and said there was no fuel,the super market also has run out of things such as higienic paper according to him......
now i'm feeling pissed of cuz my mom tells me i'm not strong enough to handle school like doing intership next year, well sr*w it, i'm just going, whatever my parents tell me, I will prove them, maybe I did stay at home for such a long time, but now it's my time of breaking through, and It's stupid when they tell me i'm not strong enough, i hate those f*cking comments! :mad:


Well-known member
I had mixed up my molecular biology class final with my psych final... and wound up missing the psych one... I didn't sleep all night because I was worrying so much about it.

turns out there actually IS a retake available


Well-known member
now i'm feeling pissed of cuz my mom tells me i'm not strong enough to handle school like doing intership next year, well sr*w it, i'm just going, whatever my parents tell me, I will prove them, maybe I did stay at home for such a long time, but now it's my time of breaking through, and It's stupid when they tell me i'm not strong enough, i hate those f*cking comments! :mad:


They won't stop till they will see result of your words. Hun focus on your plans and try not take it all what they say to your heart. I know is very hard because i'm the same. I hope u will find way how to show your parents u are mature girl and u can do it well in school!!!

They won't stop till they will see result of your words. Hun focus on your plans and try not take it all what they say to your heart. I know is very hard because i'm the same. I hope u will find way how to show your parents u are mature girl and u can do it well in school!!!

Thank you D*S*, I will show as much as I can to prove them. :]
still hard to not take it to my heart, but i'll try :)
I feel good. I'm becoming more and more social at work. Even though it's difficult, I can slowly feel a change.

Heck, I even lifted someone in the air today to help crack his neck. That's actual physical contact. Which is my personal Everest. I feel weird about it now, but at the time it didn't feel weird. So that's good. :3

I also told someone that I'm in a same-sex relationship a few days ago (in fact, the first person I've told offline). And today I even chatted about it for a while, relatively comfortably.
now i'm feeling pissed of cuz my mom tells me i'm not strong enough to handle school like doing intership next year, well sr*w it, i'm just going, whatever my parents tell me, I will prove them, maybe I did stay at home for such a long time, but now it's my time of breaking through, and It's stupid when they tell me i'm not strong enough, i hate those f*cking comments! :mad:

Good for you, doing what you think is best. :3

They might not intend to do so, but by telling you that you're weak, they're actually fortifying your insecurities. I'm actually quite proud of you that you didn't listening to what they told you.

You know you can do it. Go get yours. ;3


Well-known member
Good for you, doing what you think is best. :3

They might not intend to do so, but by telling you that you're weak, they're actually fortifying your insecurities. I'm actually quite proud of you that you didn't listening to what they told you.

You know you can do it. Go get yours. ;3

Yeah. Go Saskia! You'll never know how high you can fly until you try. I have been similar despite going to school, didnt do much outside it until this month. No job tho - at home doing "nothing". You choose your responses.

Ive made mistakes, that'll be learning and living. I am finally starting to do more - its hard - but dont let any possible nerves and mistakes you make, make you think your parents are/were right. They arent. Small steps. You WILL do it! =D You dont want to look back and wish you went during this time. LIVE NOW! Treat everyday like a new life! Gooooo Saskia!