How are you feeling?

Had a good day at work today, managed to be decently social with my co-workers. Must be cold in hell now, I reckon. :3

But I also feel nasty, I'm in dire need of a shower, but it's passed midnight. So I'll have to remain smell and disgusting till tomorrow. :B


Well-known member
I feel furry right now ><

I hate living at home, I am bored out of my mind - so bored I've become plank.
I know things won't be the easiest if I was on my own just yet... but I just don't like all the nothingness and the agruements and the attacks of the godzilla personalities that reside in this household.

Everyone treats me like I am an idiot. It peeves me off very muchly.

I want tofu !!!


Well-known member
@lea one of these baddies:



Well-known member
wanting. regretting. overwhelmed. unsure. wanting pancakes. with raspberry syrup. and maybe some eggs. overeasy. and corn beef hash. and a coffee. and crepes.


Well-known member
Well i went shop again i smiled on everyone and i get feedback.
I smiled little to much i guess (treatment works) well and i let 2 people forward by cash and they say thank u and one woman says well that's rare someone let her go forward today. I have good feeling about it. I was also in apotheka but this woman wasn't looking at me much nice (one of persons what give on appearance i guess) then i start feeling again depressed why is one weird looking person on me enough to be sad later:( and i had so great feeling in first shop lol. Enough about my *shopping adventure*. I wish nice day all of u!


Well-known member
wow just got another earthquake it was really small,but is a bit scary because of the big one that went earlier,I am also on the 5th floor so a big one is really scary,last one was from the 2004 asian earth quake.


Well-known member
D.Soul :) - YAY for the shopping adventure - you did great!! :)

Ehh, that is just your mind/sa/negative thoughts or 'antz' playing tricks on you - about 1 person cross look etc. It's typical of negative thoughts to try to convince us everything is black!! (I can sometimes think like that too, especially if it's a relative/someone close or important, yikes!) But you can fight back and 'fence' them off!! Who is this person, President of the Republic or what?? (and even if he was, why would it be so important what he thinks??)

Why can my Dad press my buttons so easily and make me angry?? grr!!

frustrated (he even thinks it's funny sometimes and may forget all about it later!!)


Well-known member

I hope you and your family/friends are all okay. What a disaster, literally!

Events like this Earthquake can at least temporarily put things in perspective for me. Even worrying about things I think of as "major" really pales in comparison to an event that impacts so many people in a much bigger way. I don't have to worry about getting clean water, having a place to live, or being exposed to leaking radiation. If I did, I have a feeling I would no longer be worrying about public speaking, approaching women, or how I think I look.


Well-known member
D.Soul :) - YAY for the shopping adventure - you did great!! :)

Ehh, that is just your mind/sa/negative thoughts or 'antz' playing tricks on you - about 1 person cross look etc. It's typical of negative thoughts to try to convince us everything is black!! (I can sometimes think like that too, especially if it's a relative/someone close or important, yikes!) But you can fight back and 'fence' them off!! Who is this person, President of the Republic or what?? (and even if he was, why would it be so important what he thinks??)

Why can my Dad press my buttons so easily and make me angry?? grr!!

frustrated (he even thinks it's funny sometimes and may forget all about it later!!)


I know is my mind sometimes. This was reality not the SA. Well i can recognize if if is just in my head and true. Well i use think black or white all the time. I don't see grey. I see just black or white. Mostly black. How i do fight back? With "killer look"? Well this i don't like fight back make me so bad feeling and tired:( Wasn't actually president of republic haha I don't know why is to me so much important what others thinks and why i give so much "serious importance" to it. Ahh i know why what i'm talking about because hurts me.

Well your Dad don't know how push the right buttons and he just push what he is able to pushing:) later he don't know what to do then he use humor as excuse maybe?

As: I didn't do nothing wrong i'm good boy:)


Well-known member
there was another again,I turned on the japanese tv,the first one was 6.0 this one just now was 4.0 I think,its what I got by the japanese tv.


Well-known member
wow just got another earthquake it was really small,but is a bit scary because of the big one that went earlier,I am also on the 5th floor so a big one is really scary,last one was from the 2004 asian earth quake.

::( Adrox very sad what's happend i hope u will be alright and will be soon over with this sad stuff finally is so sad to see it:( I can't imagine how much hard must be dealing with this!

Take care about yourself!


Well-known member
my new insurance agent rubbed me the wrong way. i am about to leave a scathing review. >:l

eta: i am feeling pissed.