How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Haha I'm feeling well because not one, not two but THREE good things happened today...

The first thing is that I believe I have made an acquaintance! Someone from one of my classes, he gets the same bus as me on some days. He initiated conversation with me a few weeks ago, though we don't talk often I think I "held my own" socially. anyway today we exchanged numbers, which confirmed that he saw me as an acquaintance. So I guess I've made my first ever friend! Progress indeed!

The second thing, I was complimented! As I walked home, two girls around my age walked past me one of them said, "Hello sexy!" it didn't seem like she was being sarcastic (but she could've been, I'm not the best at reading people) I didn't really know how to respond so I just smiled and acknowledged them. But I felt really happy afterwards lol

The third thing well... it's a pretty complicated thing and it would take a while to explain so I'll write about it in the off topic forum sometime since it's not SA related or anything.


I feel tired but not sleepy. :confused:

Drained and lethargic,or just physically tired but not mentally tired? Either way it's horrible.

I can't believe the snow stuck last night,it looks really pretty up In the hills!Bloody cold but I got paid today so I am nice and cozy with my heating on.

Sick of being stuck In though,I can't wait for Tuesday and my c.b.t session!


Well-known member
It's past midnight. I should get to bed, but i don't feel tired, but i want to be. I feel tired during the day, when I don't want to be...

Ugh, my life is a comedy of errors.


Well-known member
tired.. but in a productive way.. i just cleaned the entire apartment from top to bottom, it looks and feels awesome.. it clears the head when i organize and clean everything... the effort is worthwhile.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Apprehensive for no reason, but at least my back is better.

My brother and his girlfriend announced their engagement on Thanksgiving. They’re going to go ahead and get married this summer. I’m happy for them, she’s done him a world of good.
Apprehensive for no reason, but at least my back is better.

My brother and his girlfriend announced their engagement on Thanksgiving. They’re going to go ahead and get married this summer. I’m happy for them, she’s done him a world of good.

It is always a good day when the back is back.

Married!? What's that?
No I joke. Sounds good.

Awk, forgot to post how am I. I'll think about it.
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A little sad, concerned, embarrassed and happy all rolled in to one.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words to my situation. You guys are so supportive and understanding that words cant describe just how awesome you all are. It really does makes a difference. Things are getting better and I talked it out with my dad. I have never heard him talk like that before, he is sorry and so am I...I just dont like being laughed at when I am upset. Long story..wont bore with the details.

I also feel helpless for some of the others here. I wish I had the power to make others feel hope that things can be OK. For anyone that is struggling right now, my thoughts are with you. Stay strong... dont give up, accept help, you are never alone.
A little sad, concerned, embarrassed and happy all rolled in to one.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words to my situation. You guys are so supportive and understanding that words cant describe just how awesome you all are. It really does makes a difference. Things are getting better and I talked it out with my dad. I have never heard him talk like that before, he is sorry and so am I...I just dont like being laughed at when I am upset. Long story..wont bore with the details.

I also feel helpless for some of the others here. I wish I had the power to make others feel hope that things can be OK. For anyone that is struggling right now, my thoughts are with you. Stay strong... dont give up, accept help, you are never alone.

Hey.. good to hear that it worked out for you.


Male pattern baldness sucks. Been thinking about it a lot lately and how its power has thrust me into a future life of total isolation. Ok, thats probably not entirely true, but it still sucks. It makes me look mean and unapproachable.


Well-known member
Pretty pissed, there's an unexpected visitor at home, I always hate that because its so unprepared, and to make things worse, there's overnight stay so the next morning, you have to face the same visitor again, most annoying, I hate that, because it makes me so uncomfortable :mad:


Right now? Pretty cold, confused about my feelings toward a friend of mine, and really tired thanks to several nightmares waking me up every couple of hours... ::(:



not actually Fiona Apple
Instantly stressed. I just realized my birthday is in two weeks, which means finals start two weeks from yesterday...:eek:


Well-known member
I'm actually having a good day. o3o I guess its because I had something cleared up from yesterday that I had to talk to my boyfriend about so he cheered me up. <:3

Not to mention I feel a hell of a lot more rested now which is kind of ironic seeing as I could hardly get to sleep because my sister not only was blasting her music but she was horribly singing to it. xD Also, my room tends to feel like an oven right when I go to bed, >->