How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Anxious and paranoid. My anxiety has been quite bad lately, stressing about things that might not even happen. These thoughts often pop up while im trying to sleep, my heart just starts pounding... ugh.


Tired and sleepy which is nice for me :) Dragging myself out of bed stupidly early every day is starting to help my sleep pattern.

I have c.b.t tomorrow and I'm worried about it a little as I haven't kept on top of my anxiety diary and stuff as much as I would of liked to.But at the same time,just looking at my activity schedule I have got myself out more than I would normally.

It's early days therapy wise and I have a long way to go I think.But I feel like Im heading In the right direction,and even the small improvements I am seeing are so nice and uplifting.
Tired and sleepy which is nice for me :) Dragging myself out of bed stupidly early every day is starting to help my sleep pattern.

I have c.b.t tomorrow and I'm worried about it a little as I haven't kept on top of my anxiety diary and stuff as much as I would of liked to.But at the same time,just looking at my activity schedule I have got myself out more than I would normally.

It's early days therapy wise and I have a long way to go I think.But I feel like Im heading In the right direction,and even the small improvements I am seeing are so nice and uplifting.

Well done for even attempting to keep an anxiety diary! That takes a lot of energy and commitment.
Very hard to do when your depressed as well.::(: How do you manage it? Do you have a routine, like writing in it at a certain time of day or just when you think about it?


Well-known member
I hate feeling so negative. I feel so guilty feeling so negative and I wish I can feel happy where I can say more positive things and actually try to help people rather than just do this useless venting that I am doing right now.



Thanks,I do really struggle because it's hard when your depressed like you say.I also have the bad habit of putting stuff until the last minute ::eek::.Right now I'm trying to set an hour aside each afternoon to fill them In.I don't always manage to do that,but I just do It the next day at least while it's still fresh In my mind.

Is a struggle for sure,but I'm only hurting myself In the long run by putting it off or not doing it,as I won't be able to look over it with my therapist.
Like an idiot!::(: I just made a complete idiot of myself (in real life)::(:
I swear the man's face was wincing in response to my uncomfortable, nervous behaviour!!!:eek:
You think you have made progress, then in an instant, poof! your mind is back to the beginning!!::(:
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Well-known member
Like an idiot!::(: I just made a complete idiot of myself (in real life)::(:
I swear the man's face was wincing in response to my uncomfortable, nervous behaviour!!!:eek:
You think you have made progress, then in an instant, poof! your mind is back to the beginning!!::(:

What happened?

I'm sure it's not as bad as you imagine it.

it never is


in a VAN down by the RIVER
P………………………………………...ROCRASTINATIVE :mad:

Why do I do it to myself? I’ve had a week, but now I’ll have to pull an all-nighter to get things done.

Tonight is going to be interesting. Ha Ha


Well-known member
Like an idiot!::(: I just made a complete idiot of myself (in real life)::(:
I swear the man's face was wincing in response to my uncomfortable, nervous behaviour!!!:eek:
You think you have made progress, then in an instant, poof! your mind is back to the beginning!!::(:

Coyote is right - it is not as bad as you imagine.

In any case, there are always backward steps - it is not a case of uninterrupted progress. That applies to every field of endeavour.


Well-known member
I'm feeling pretty drained and tired, though I shouldn't be given the time. Later tonight, I'll be fresh and energetic when i don't want to be....::(:
Crying right now, I just don't feel happy about myself, I feel unworthy, I'm afraid I'll never take the chance to study again, I'm willing so bad, but at the same time I'm such a huge pain in my life that I don't feel worth it. Seriously, I feel so Empty inside, I don't feel worth anything, when someone tells me I'm pretty, I'm like.. Owkay... thank you. (while at the same time I think, that's not true at all, I can never believe that, or see that with my own eyes) and I think like I'm the most worst person in the world when I'm having a down moment, because I can be extremely upset and I just want to hide from the world and I'd rather stay in a dark room all day so nobody sees me. I'm just a freak. But I feel so selfl concious about my appearance, especially my looks. I'm obsessed about looking good, I Dysmorph my self in the mirror, I can't see my beauty, I see all imperfections and spots and all the ugly things. I feel like everyone around me look perfect, even the most ugly person on the world can't beat my record. The way I feel about myself is awful. I wish I could say, I'm worth it! But I know when I'm depressed I make a fool out of myself, because every moment of the day is another chance to start say something stupid , and I wish I looked better, I want to be good-looking, but I don't think I am. I'm sorry for this stupid post. I s**k