How are you feeling?


I feel sad because my parents are getting older. They will die one day and I will miss them. I dont think I could handle life without them. Bring on the tears. :(


Well-known member
I feel a deeeeep craving to go camping, maybe with a group of friends I don't have, in the sun. Think i'm lacking me some vit. d.
Wary, perceptive....
I have this strange feeling that something profound is happening (or is about to) :confused:

That's right ma'am. Be wary indeed. Superdrone will be giving a no-nonsense wedgie to the wicked! Evil beware!

Haha, kidding (I think). I sometimes feel that way too. Usually after an intense period of lack of sleep.


Well-known member
Yeah Malady we'd all miss you! Hope you get better soon - flu sucks!! Know it's just the flu speaking!!
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Well-known member
Just back from the gym but was close to a panic attack. Second time this week allready. Last friday same thing when i was sitting across some people in the train. I cant stand it when people are staring at me!


Well-known member
Well I'm pretty much down and out right now. I feel like nothing is gonna save me from the hole I'm in. So why bother? I wish I knew why I even make an effort, coz it's given me nothing in return. I should just give up, give in, but I'm persistent and stubborn.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Pulled an allnighter.. Have only slept about 4 hours the two nights before. I am kind of surprised that I am not drooling all over my keyboard right now.

Also feel like i'm completely spamming this forum.. but it's keeping me up.


Well-known member
Tired and bored. Taking a nap, or as I like to call it: "time travel". Maybe something interesting will be happening later, but I doubt it.


Well-known member
Have this really strong headache. Really strong that I want to like smash my head against the wall. Physical sickness has been somewhat keeping my mind off mental crap in the last few days. Or does it just add to it? I don't know really. Would jumping off a building be really that bad of an idea? ::(:
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