How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Idk. Paranoid about overposting, underposting, Paranoia. Probably just assuming you all think of me as I think of me. Self critical.


Well-known member
I feel a bit hated on here. Is that just me bringing myself down? Very tempted to avPD this place now for no reason..

I feel that way most of the time too. Think it may indeed be just us trying to bring ourselves down though. At least I know that I, for one, sure as hell don't hate you :)
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Well-known member
I feel that that way most of the time too. Think it may indeed be us just trying to bring ourselves down though. At least I know that I, for one, sure as hell don't hate you :)

Hm. Ok. Lousy feeling just doesn't go away anywhere does it? Not even on an online forum! Thanks for that though :) (You are not hated by me either!)


Well-known member
I feel like I have to stop indulging in depressive emotions, no matter what happens. And I can do that :D
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I am totally losing my hair. I am going bald. Thats it...its all over. I am destined to be alone forever. Bald bald bald bald bald bald BALD.


Well-known member
I surrender.

Truth is, I should be in a lecture right now. Just like I should have been yesterday and the day before, but wasn't. I don't know how long I can hide before certain things become irreversible but I guess I'll find out soon enough. The real damage is already done.
I surrender.

Truth is, I should be in a lecture right now. Just like I should have been yesterday and the day before, but wasn't. I don't know how long I can hide before certain things become irreversible but I guess I'll find out soon enough. The real damage is already done.

Hang in there. If you're already too behind, sometimes attending lectures don't help. Usually the pace in tertiary education (unless you're a genius) is very fast and once you're left behind, you're really left behind... Or at least that was my experience as a former maths major.

If you're left behind, catch up on your own. If not, you'll just have to force yourself to the lectures.


Well-known member
I don't think I can heal.
I should have ended it a long time ago.
Maybe I should now.

I feel that way all the time. ((((hugs)))))

I hate waiting for someone to arrive, waiting for a knock on the door. My heart's pounding and I can hardly breath properly

Sorry to hear that malady but it sounds like you're having a panic attack.::(: Who are you waiting for?