How are you feeling?

My cat isn't allowing me to feel any kind of bad emotion. She insists on being very cuddly today. It's rather strange, but very nice.


Sleepy,it's 5:48 in the morning can't believe I'm up lol.Will be nice to watch the sun rise though.I'm ok just a little down.Think I might get my ass in gear today and hit the gym for a good workout.
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My cat isn't allowing me to feel any kind of bad emotion. She insists on being very cuddly today. It's rather strange, but very nice.

I love my cat, she does the same for me. The thing is, she lives with my parents. I just came back from visiting her for 3 days though... had a great time there :D. Took part of a small BBQ today (well not really "small" for a social phobic - 13 people) and was able to 'be' pretty well - the hard part was saying good bye, but that went pretty well too.

I love social anxiety, it's like it's a demon in itself - with its own mind and wishes - comes out when it wants and there's nothing you can do about it. Shucks! :rolleyes:



Well-known member
^ Nice! =] Must feel nice to get out with a group of people, even if it is nerve wracking. I can see how saying goodbye would be hard because it's rare for us. I would kill for a nice BBQ right about now :p hhmm e-BBQ anybody? Ha.

I'm feeling a lot better thanks. Today I was feeling very bad but, I began to hit that 'rock bottom' phase and I jumped on my treadmill instead of choosing to go to bed and give up. (Going to bed now would be like going to bed in the middle of the day for other people). One thing led to another, lifted some weights, some situps and things, took a cold shower, now eating some kale and feeling a million times better!


Well-known member
So stressed!!! Interiorly freaking out, so much that I am paralysed without being able to do what needs to be done! :mad:
Sometimes I wish I could stop being me.


Well-known member
I'm feeling disappointed after having read yet another story about bullying which tragically ended with the suicides of a few teens. On a lighter note...I'm feeling satisfaction that my first attempt at making homemade lasagna was successful.

I have nothing left to do, and no motivation to create things to do. It's like being encased in thick layers of inpatients and boredom. Ugh.


Pretty crappy.I had been feeling really good,but I feel like I've had every little bit of positivity drained out of me.I've been working so hard in therapy and just sucks so much when something knocks you down again.I feel like there are only so many times you can pick yourself up and dust yourself off,before you start thinking **** it what's the point.
Pretty crappy.I had been feeling really good,but I feel like I've had every little bit of positivity drained out of me.I've been working so hard in therapy and just sucks so much when something knocks you down again.I feel like there are only so many times you can pick yourself up and dust yourself off,before you start thinking **** it what's the point.

CBT, doctor mentioned this to me. Does it work?

Feeling? I am fine.