How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Annoyed at myself. ::(: i was ment to go to a friends 18th party tonight but i bottled it as usual. ::(: I hate letting people down and now its become a weekly thing!

Anyway ...

C'MON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Ahhh, shame, 1-1.
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Anyway ...

C'MON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Ahhh, shame, 1-1.

Yeah crappy game huh?Though apart from the sloppy goal they got,you have to give the US praise as they played well,we had so many chances but just could not finish.

And don't beat yourself up for not getting out to that party,these things can be so hard to push yourself to do.But next time force yourself to go,you only live once and you might get there and realize your anxiety is ok!

If it is as bad as you thought it would be..just go show your face to a few people,wish the person happy birthday then scoot out.It's always worth trying though I think :)


Well-known member
Birthday is in a few weeks.
I don't think I will be doing anything but avoiding phone calls
so I won't be embarrassed in case someone ask what I'm doing for my birthday.

I actually feel bad :(


Well-known member
I'm a bit confused. So many potential pickups in so many potential configurations. And the three individual pickup toggle switches I want to go with them. And do I stick with volume/tone/tone knobs, or go to volume/tone and a kill switch?

And to top that confusion off, I'm still feeling a bit down but tonight I'm a bit hyper. And I don't know why. Actually, I think I do know what it might be. But I'll just keep that to myself.



Well-known member
I don't know how I feel about the future. I guess it's normal to be uncertain, but uncertainty is okay, it's normal. Even when you know circumstances will differ a great amount, you can only be optimistic, at least, I do my best.

I feel that I'd like somebody to share my time with, I'd really love that.
I also feel that I'm not too tired, considering I've only slept around half an hour since last night (it's now almost 6am).
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I'm feeling fine. Just relaxing in the morning with my laptop. But sadly I won't feel fine for a long time today ::(: I have to go to the mental hospital again.. this evening. So yeah it's sooo tough. I just want to be home you know.
I need to do everything different because i'm not at home. It's such a long road. But It's only 4 weeks left.. Hopefully less.. They just wanna look what they can do for me, send me help (when im home again) and give me a new diagnosis. So i need to keep it up. I wish I could fly around time! Only for 4 weeks ...
I'm so terrifed and just wanna scream, but i cant.. im like frozen from fear..
How can somebody treat me if he thinks it's ALL in my head :/
Last night was horrible..
I'm so terrifed and just wanna scream, but i cant.. im like frozen from fear..
How can somebody treat me if he thinks it's ALL in my head :/
Last night was horrible..

It's all in the head. That's the problem.. btw, did you rep me recently?
I'm starting to get rather anxious.. I have an appointment with a psychiatrist upcoming Tuesday, and I'm just sure he's going to be biased and side with my mother and grandmother, therefor try to talk me into doing something I'm not ready for.

If he does, I just hope I'll be in a strong enough state of mind to convince him otherwise.