How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Better than i have been, i've been feeling really low lately, i haven't seen a point to me being here, but today i feel ok for some reason :)


Well-known member
worried about illuminationSP to be honest , i hope the guys ok , i know hes been going through a bad time , well iv got my fingers crossed for the bloke , hell i like him , he has a good scence of humor , hes an all round nice guy , as i said iv got my fingers crossed for the guy .......


Well-known member
I'm feeling so so bored! I should be sleeping but can't be bothered.....
Also I think people should use the forum chat thingo more XD

It was used quite a lot back when it was on the front page, because it was "instant access" I guess, but it was moved to some other place now, I think because of bandwith issues, I don't think many of us know it still exists :eek:

Good luck for tomorrow!

One Coke = 23 teaspoons of sugar. Not good for your body or your teeth.

That HAS to be a myth surely? I can understand if it's some other chemical which is equivalent in unhealthiness, then fair enough, but if it's 23 teaspoons of actual sugar I'd definitely be able to taste it! Or maybe not...

Feeling well for now!


Well-known member
That HAS to be a myth surely? I can understand if it's some other chemical which is equivalent in unhealthiness, then fair enough, but if it's 23 teaspoons of actual sugar I'd definitely be able to taste it! Or maybe not...

Feeling well for now!

Actually, I made a mistake.

The average American can of Coke is 10.91% high fructose corn syrup. That is 45g of sugar, same as 8 teaspoons of sugar.

Big mistake, lol.